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或者说任何秽语或那类话。Or say any profanities or anything like that.

那位青年对我粗言秽语。That young man flung out hard words against me.

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那个爱说粗言秽语的喜剧演员应该净化一下自己的言行。That profane comedian needs to clean up his act.

银幕上的形象,很少有暴力行为,也无粗言秽语,和不良的笑话。Violence, rude words and dirty jokes seldom appear in his movies.

粗言秽语,毒品,肆意破坏,盗窃,性侵犯以及其它各种犯罪行为。Foul language, drugs, vandalism, theft, sexual assault, and other various crimes.

当我们口出恶言、粗言秽语、对人冷嘲热讽,便是以恶劣态度待人。We are rude when we put others down with harsh or obscene words, insults, or sarcasm.

最重要的是,在从事这些公开事件时,我们需要避免秽言秽语。Most of all, we should refrain from the dirty language that surrounds these "public campaigns".

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参赛作品不得含有不雅、粗言秽语、暴力或淫秽内容。The entries should not contain any contents of indecency, foul language, violence or obscenity.

避免成为“哭喊着叫妈妈的家伙”并不得使用你粗言秽语库中的下列句子。Avoid becoming “the guy who cried out Mommy” and ban these 10 lines from your dirty-talk library.

“我够耐心的了,”巫师说道,深深的吸着气,“但现在我不能再忍受他的粗言秽语了。"I have been patient, " said Magicka, breathing heavily, "but I will not be subjected to such filth.

目的探讨抽动秽语综合征儿童行为问题及精神运动功能。ObjectiveTo explore the behavioral problem and psychomotor ability of children with tourette syndrome.

为你的游戏制定玩牌规则,加入一些脱衣动作或性行为甚至一些秽语。Change the rules to your particular game, add in some stripping or sexy treats, or even some dirty talk.

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他还说,矿工们之间的粗言秽语和互相辱骂是再平常不过的事,他们以此作为缓解压力的法子。The trading of profanities and crude insults is common, and helps ease the stress of mine work, he says.

你的穿着应该尽量使评判对你留下深刻印象。不过,请不要穿带有明显品牌标志,或带有秽语字眼的服装。Dress to impress but Do Not wear clothes with visible logos, trademarks or offensive language or phrases.

参与者表示,暴力、性、粗言秽语以及其他一些令人不安的电影内容会让他们不悦。Viewers indicated content with violence, sex, vulgar language or other troubling themes made them uncomfortable.

唯歌词内容不得涉及宗教、种族歧视、性、暴力及粗言秽语。Lyrics which express religious, racial discrimination, obscene sex, violence and vulgar roughness are prohibited.

临床疗效根据抽动秽语综合征患者治疗前后美国耶鲁抽动程度综合量表减分率变化进行评估。The clinical curative effect of the medicines was evaluated with YGTSS deduction rate before and after treatment.

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探讨中西医结合对儿童抽动秽语综合征的康复治疗效果。To study the effects of using traditional Chinese Western Medicine to treat tic coprolalia syndrome of childhood.

应用氟哌啶醇治疗儿童抽动-秽语综合征时可以产生某些特殊的易被忽视的副作用。Treated the children's Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome with holoperi-dol could creat some easily ignorant side effect.

在现实中,大多数海盗很难无情强盗和杀人犯谁是臭名昭著的粗言秽语和酗酒。In reality, most pirates were hard and ruthless robbers and murderers who were notorious for their foul language and heavy drinking.