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老虎是独来独往的。The tiger walks alone.

狗,天性就不喜独来独往。Dogs, by nature, are not loners.

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可是当你独来独往,那他们就会怕你了。When you are a loner, you frighten people.

上帝没有意愿让任何人在生活中独来独往。God has not meant for anyone to go through life alone.

没人知道他身在何处——要知道,阿伦是一个独来独往的人。No one knows where he is — Aron's a lone wolf, remember.

警方说奥维宁来自图苏拉,平日独来独往。Police said Auvinen is from Tuusula and who acted alone.

独来独往于这世上,便是你自己的牢狱!You're a prisioner walking through this world all alone.

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它像鬣狗一样,夜晚捕食,几乎总是独来独往。Like the hyena, it hunts for food at night, almost always alone.

一个爱自由的,有着怪盗的性格,喜欢独来独往!A love freedom, the man with a strange stolen character, like UN!

曼克奈斯独来独往,不见客人,连家里人也避尔不见。Magnus kept to himself seeing no visitors avoiding even his family.

他选择了独来独往,一个人去上课,一个人去图书馆。He chose to be a loner, going to classes and to the library on his own.

谁也不知道他是什么样的一个人----他总是独来独往的。Nobody knows for certain what kind of man he is----he is rather a lone wolf.

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这个独来独往的共和党人一直面临一些来自党内极右势力的严辞批判。The maverick Republican has been facing some harsh rhetoric from the far-right.

凯利独来独往,他宣称自己没有朋友因为他不需要朋友。He was a loner who claims he didn’t have any friends because he didn’t want any.

我估摸着有不少人可能是在边上的电脑室中工作,有些独来独往。Men had been working alongside me at the other computers, keeping to themselves.

虽则轻松自在地公开地讲话对他的不可靠,他在欧洲保持独来独往的人。Though at ease speaking publicly about his insecurities, he remained a loner in Europe.

除非逼不得已,你总是独来独往,而你喜欢制造麻烦。You're always alone unless forced to be with other people and you love to cause trouble.

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那时候我已经开始需要更多的独处的时间,这些让我更加成为独来独往的人。Already needing extended periods of time alone, my response was to become even more of a loner.

吸血鬼们独来独往,他们没有那么多朋友,就算有朋友,大家也都是各忙各的。Vampires work alone. They don’t have many friends, and if they do, they are usually out doing their own thing.

一些现代的食肉动物,例如狮子和鬣狗,均是集体捕猎,但是霸王龙却喜欢独来独往。Some large modern carnivores, such as lions and hyenas, do hunt in organized groups, but T. rex individuals likely acted on their own.