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树木环绕着那个院子。Trees environ the yard.

在院子里玩溜溜球。Playing ayo-yo in the yard.

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我们在院子晒太阳。We were sunning in the yard.

我喜欢在院子里散步…I love pottering in the yard.

那个女孩穿跑过了院子。The girl ran across the yard.

我计划今天除院子里的杂草…I plan to weed the yard today.

我再也没有去过那个院子。I never went back to that yard.

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她把狗关进院子的狗窝里。She kennels her dog in the yard.

这院子里原有两口井。There are two in this courtyard.

一个宪兵正在院子里踱步。A gendarme was crossing the court.

别把脏水泼到院子里。Don't throw the slops in the yard.

有人摄手踢脚地走进了院子。Somebody tiptoed through the yard.

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马被牵进了院子里。The horses were led into the yard.

院子里栽满丁香花。The yard is full of lilac flowers.

他们每天在院子里洗漱。Al dia, ellos se asean en el patio.

家家户户的院子里,也都盖满了葡萄。Each courtyard had a grape trellis.

他把牛赶到院子里。He herded his cattle into the yard.

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院子里一片吵闹声。A hubbub was heard in the courtyard.

他喜欢一个人在院子里独酌。He loves drinking alone in the yard.

没有——今天它们又到院子里来了。No. Today, they’re back in the yard.