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他是一个司机。He e's a driver.

他是一位公共汽车司机。He's a bus-driver.

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我是个出租车司机。I'm a taxi-driver.

司机是醉酒驾车。The driver was drunk.

我的司机是一位纯化论者。My driver is a purist.

张伟是我的司机。Zhang Wei is my driver.

“谁?”出租司机问。"Who?" asks the cabbie.

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嘀嘀嘀,我是一名小司机。Beep, beep, I am driver.

假设你是个出租车司机。If you're a taxi driver,

莪媞司机!咃说。I am the driver. he said.

闭嘴,后座的司机。Shut up. Backseat driver.

还有,那名司机也很粗鲁。And the driver is so rude!

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司机,去西单吗?。Driver, do you go to Xidan?

公共汽车司机停下了车。The busman stopped the bus.

司机先生,麻烦开快一点!Driver, please drive faster!

他父亲是个出租车司机。His father is a taxi-driver.

我是出租车司机。I'm a taxi driver, you know.

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他哭叫着,我是司机!"I'm the driver. " he cried.

你一整天都需要司机吗?Do you need a driver all day?

司机减低了车速。The driver dropped his speed.