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这就是我们要解的方程组。Those are the equations we have to solve.

它所能做的就是解决这些方程组问题。All it could do, though, was solve those equations.

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可以解一元二次,一元三次方程组。Possible solutions to the quadratic, cubic equations.

此文提出利用结式法求解该方程组的闭形式解。Resultant method is presented to solve the above equations.

实际上,是讲Maxwell方程组。And, in fact,something that is known as Maxwell's equations.

如果没有的话,我们继续往下,线性参数方程组。OK, so if not, let's move on to linear parametric equations.

一个方程数和未知量数一样多的方程组将是相容的。A system with as many equations as unknowns will be consistent.

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研究光子晶体的一般方程是麦克斯韦方程组。The general equation of photonic crystal is Maxwell Equation Groups.

加深了对麦克斯韦方程组和毕奥-萨伐尔定律的认识。That makes us better understand Maxwell equations and Biot-Savart law.

我能够得到,我能够解决任意右侧部分b的这些方程组么?Could I get, can I solve all these equations for every right hand side?

现在让我们将上面推导出来的流体运动基本方程组归并在一起。Let us summarize the governing equations for a fluid, previously deduced.

实际上,Maxwell方程组,描述了这两个场的旋度和散度。Maxwell's equations actually tell you about div and curl of these fields.

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构造了浅水方程组的二阶精度的TVD格式。Second-order accurate TVD scheme for shallow water equations is presented.

采用SIMPLE算法求解磁流体动力学方程组。Magneto-hydrodynamics equations are carried out using the SIMPLE algorithm.

在非线性方程组牛顿迭代法的基础上,进行五轴数控加工刀具轨迹求解算法研究。Based on nonlinear equations Newton method, work out the 5-Axis NC tool path.

它具有更高对称性麦克斯韦方程组的概括。They were generalizations of Maxwell's equations incorporating a highersymmetry.

建立了描写皮秒激光在充气毛细管中四波混频过程的耦合方程组。The coupled equations for four wave mixing in gas filled capillary are described.

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引入最少故障原理可以对亚定的故障方程组求解。The least fault principle may be employed to solve the underdetermined equations.

也许你并没有意识到,它们其实就是你们平时解的方程组Maybe you didn't realize that they are just simultaneous equations that you solve.

并给出方程组的形式解解空间构造和求解方法。The construction of solution space was given and the solution approach was offered.