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在温水中清洗。Wash in warm water.

我给你清洗头发。Let me rinse your hir.

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这台纺织机已清洗。The loom was blown off.

常清洗、保持清洁。Wash often. Keep clean.

他们支使他清洗汽车。They made him wash the car.

他们支使他清洗汽车。They make him wash the car.

请清洗挡风玻璃。Please clean the windshield.

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清洗一下咖啡机。Clean out the coffee machine.

清洗餐具——将干净的衣服叠放整齐——把客厅的玩具归位——帮助孩子收拾他们的房间。Help kids pick up their room.

瓷水槽容易清洗。A porcelain sink cleans easily.

爱是帮他清洗脏兮兮的运动衣。Love is washing his sports togs.

膨胀水箱的清洗。A. expansion water tank cleaning.

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网孔大,清洗容易。Net hole big , the clean is easy.

再次喷砂并清洗。Sand-blasting and cleaning again.

玻璃盖可在洗碗机中安全清洗。The glass lid is dishwasher safe.

通过如许每一小点脏工具就会被清洗掉。Any specks of dirt are washed out.

你多久清洗一次屋子?How aften do you clean your house?

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油系统的油清洗。Flushing L. O. sytem of stern tube.

注意到我们已经清洗了浴缸。Notice that we cleaned the bathtub.

用盐溶液清洗镜片。Wash the lenses in saline solution.