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不过随着新琥珀化石的发现,这一论断变得不再确定。That’s no longer certain.

莫许杯深琥珀浓。Don't cup thick deep amber.

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珊瑚的扣子和琥珀纽的晶彩。Thy coral clasps and amber studs.

配上珊瑚钩扣,把琥珀镶嵌With coral clasps and amber studs

珊瑚作勾,琥珀作扣。With coral clasps and amber studs.

在火焰里凝结的琥珀和紫晶。In flames of amber and of amethyst.

深红色泽,而略带轻微的紫和琥珀色彩。Deep red with hints of purple and ambers.

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琥珀色彩艳丽,呈黄褐色。Amber has a beautiful yellow-brown colour.

筑蜂巢融合你琥珀幽香。And build thy perfumed ambers up his hive.

琥珀色光线穿过黑袍而透射。Through the dark robe oft amber rays prevail.

你在我身后纯洁的像一枚正在沉睡的琥珀。Andyou are pure beside me as a sleeping amber.

每收齐一百篮子,我们便付给他们一粒琥珀珠。For every hundred baskets we gave them a bead of amber.

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我想它们也应该凝成了晶莹的琥珀。I think they should be cemented in the glistening amber.

诱人的深棕琥珀色泽,带着一股浓烈的麦芽芳香。It has a deep brown colour and a strong malty sweetness.

我看见簌簌的歌唱萦绕指间,琥珀的时光沉落。I saw the haunting singing Susu fingers, amber time sink.

LED灯带和卷轴。黄色。镜头类型琥珀扩散。Tape and reel LED lamp. Yellow. Lens type amber diffused.

不像冻在琥珀里的昆虫化石,被人传诵的故事是活生生的。Unlike the insect frozen in amber, a told story is alive.

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玉杯酙满琥珀光,香露流落樱桃唇。He'll again?Full amber light, living in Hong Lu cherry lips.

但仍停留在一个由愤怒和怀疑混合而成的琥珀里。She was suspended in an amber matrix of anger and disbelief.

琥珀是古代松柏树脂的化石。Amber is the fossilized resin of ancient pines and cypresses.