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我是比较严肃的。I'm being half-serious.

他摆出一副严肃的面孔。He put on a serious look.

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只要严肃认真的冒险者。Serious adventurers only.

你就不能严肃点吗?Can you be serious for once?

他显得并不严肃。He did not seem reverential.

“我饶恕你了,”他严肃地回说。"I do, " he returned grimly.

我严肃地批评了他!I animadversion seriously he!

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嗯,我是严肃的。就这样办吧。No. I'm serious. Let's do it.

奈妲严肃地看着她。Naida looked at her seriously.

不要太严肃地生活。Not taking life too seriously.

医生的语气很严肃。The doctor's tone was serious.

他的脸绷得紧紧的,非常严肃。His face was harsh and serious.

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我可是再严肃不过了。I have never been more serious.

这坏消息使我们严肃起来。The bad news sobered all of us.

那坏消息使我们严肃认真起来。The bad news sobered all of us.

看起来挺安静严肃的那个。The quiet, serious-looking one.

我给他这样严肃的责备。I gave him this serious reproof.

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她那番严肃的话使我敬畏。I was awed by her solemn words.

这个主考官看上去很严肃。The examiner looks very serious.

这赕佛可是一件非常严肃的事情。"Danfo" is a very serious matter.