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他辜负了我对他的信任。He betrayed my trust in him.

请原谅,师父。我们辜负了您。Forgive us, Master. We have failed you.

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在我们实验室中,每个人都尽最大努力不辜负老校长的宏愿。In our lab, we try our best to make us noble.

狮子从来不辜负读者对他的期望。Lion lived up to what readers expected of him.

我不会辜负你的热情招待和好意。I'll not abuse your hospitality, your kindness.

女侍应笑言怕自己辜负了上好的咖啡豆。The coffee beans are too good to be used by me.

我让你们失望了,我辜负了我的球迷。I have let you down, and I have let down my fans.

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人会辜负你,但是上帝永远不会辜负你。People will fail you but God will never fail you.

他辜负了朋友们的期望。He did not answer the expectations of his friends.

我们的孩子的确会努力以不辜负我们的期望。Our children do try to live up to our expectations.

我备受打击,感觉自己辜负了整个县的民众。I was crushed and felt I had failed the whole county.

如果任何人辜负了她的信任,她会怨恨的。She could hold a grudge against anyone who betrayed her trust.

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里顿豪斯的紧张的面色告诉我们这次我们可大大地辜负了他了。Rittenhouse's tense face told me that we had let him down hard.

缔要坚信,每一天的阳光都不会辜负自己的笑容。To believe, each day the sun will not live up to their own smile.

每个基督徒受洗的权利不辜负这个标准。Every Christian by baptismal right has to live up to this standard.

选手们辜负了教练对他们的期望。The players failed to live up to their coach's expectations of them.

小蝶定努力!不辜负爱我的人!嘻嘻!The small butterfly decides diligently! Innocent my person! Hee hee!

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但是你们辜负了她的爱和她对人类无尽的耐心。But you are ignoring Her love and Her endless patience with humanity.

用故事来安慰他们。就如,世界是怎样辜负了他们?Console them by saying stories cited as why the world mistreats them?

年轻的我下了决心,无论如何都不能辜负谢导对我的信任。Young I decided that cannot disappoint Xie Dao in any event to my trust.