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就现在,让我们像热恋中的猛禽And now, like am'rous birds of prey

而这又为红狐和猛禽带来好处。That has benefited red fox and raptors.

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或者她们才是真正的猛禽,用她们有力的鹰爪抓住豪厄尔。They grasped at Howell with their forceful talons.

猛禽包括沼泽鹞和黑翅鸢。Raptors include Marsh Harrier and Black winged Kite.

这只猛禽又在盘旋了,这次桑提亚哥瞧见金枪鱼在太阳光下跃起。This time Santiago saw tuna leaping in the sunlight.

“许多参演的部队从来没有看到过猛禽,”,尼米补充说。"Manyvisiting units have never seen the Raptor, " adds Niemi.

鹰这种猛禽在捕食大型猎物的时候会从高空中把猎物抛下。The eagles kill large prey by dropping it from a great height.

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弗吉尼亚州的兰利基地部署了大约30架F-22“猛禽”战斗机。"Langley, Virginia base deployed about 30 F-22" Raptor "fighter.

乘载艾伦回到卡舰的猛禽编号多少?What is the number of the Raptor Ellen uses to return to Galactica?

最后,他告诉他们,他不会要求国会再拨款生产猛禽战斗机。Finally, he told them he wouldn't ask Congress for any more Raptors.

乌鸦是一种猛禽吧!你竟然能够跟它处得这么好。The crow is a kind of bird of prey! You can get with its place so good.

迄今为止,最大的分歧在于F-22猛禽隐形战斗机。The biggest disagreement sofar has come over the F-22 Raptor stealth jet.

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他们的特征是类飞禽,让他们看起来像人形的鸟或者猛禽。Their features are avian, making them resemble humanoid birds or raptors.

所有西数的猛禽系列硬盘都特别安静。All of the Raptor hard drives from Western Digital are exceptionally quiet.

我会更新写评论,因为猛禽菖蒲造和我一起度过了更长的时间。I'll update this review as the Raptor Shobu and I spend more time together.

猛禽的巢鸟巢,如鹰巢,筑于悬崖或其他高处。The nest of a bird, such as an eagle, built on a cliff or other high place.

暴怒的精灵是强烈有力的,就跟它们相像的猛禽鹰一样。Wilder sylphs are intense and direct, like the birds of prey they resemble.

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他们说,正在老化的美国飞机机群必不可少的替换物就是猛禽战斗机。Raptors, they said, were essential replacements for the aging US aircraft fleet.

随后的星期二,美国参议院投票58-40,停止生产猛禽。The following Tuesday, the Senate voted 58-40 to stop production of the Raptors.

猛禽还在其他方面严重受限,但是没有大范围的报告。The Raptor suffers other, serious limitations, that haven’t been widely reported.