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你要么自己来,要么托人办理此事。Either you come in person, or you entrust someone with the matter.

找教练的话你可托人四处问问,也可打电话到跑步中心咨询,还可上网招聘。You can find a coach by asking around, calling running stores, and checking the Internet.

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每星期一,马吕斯送五个法郎到拉弗尔斯监狱的治理处,托人转给德纳第。Every Monday, Marius had five francs handed in to the clerk's office of La Force for Thenardier.

手部设计也被更改了,这也许暗示着又一个未加说明的尼克托人亚种。The hand design changed, though, perhaps suggesting yet another Nikto sub-race not yet accounted for.

尼克托人遍布银河系,常在星系外围从事阴暗的活动。Nikto can be found throughout the galaxy, often involved with shady activities in the galaxy's fringe.

文章第三部分围绕着斡旋受贿犯罪中的“为请托人谋取不正当利益”这一要件展开分析。Part III mainly deals with the crime condition of "securing illegitimate benefits for the entrusting person".

二是为请托人谋取的利益必须是不正当的利益,为请托人谋取正当利益的不构成犯罪。Second, as trustees to seek the interest of the interest must be improper, as trustees to seek legitimate interests do not constitute a crime.

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当尼克托人科技发展,可以认识周围的星体时,他们发现是那颗新星导致了行星上的物种突变。When the Nikto developed technology enough to understand the stars around them, they discovered the nova responsible for the mutations on their world.

也许尼克托人早期曾因种族差异相互争战,但最终他们还是作为同族联手,共同对抗母星恶劣的环境。Though the Nikto may have warred because of their differences in their early history, the harsh task of surviving their planet's dangers united them as a people.

弓裔分开之后,王隆父子也告别甄萱,并且为了拜见道诜四处托人探听道诜下落。After WangLong African separate bow, father and son, and, in order to ZhenXuan said goodby to meet agreeable freedom alone. so snoop around tao tao agreeable freedom whereabouts.

真好像是大旱之年遇到甘霖,我的母校济南省立高中校长宋还吾先生,托人邀我到母校去担任国文教员。Song Huaiwu, the principal of My Alma Mater Jinan provincial senior high school, charged someone to invite me to be Chinese teacher, which was like a good rain after a long drought.

牛一蓓跟郝建国磋商后,决议把买房子的钱花在托人办事上,无论如何要先把徐嘉惠调到北京来,再从长打算。HaoJianGuo consultations with the bud, after buying the house resolution to spend money in the trustor, do whatever it takes to put XuJiaHui transferred to Beijing, again from long plan.

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据信,一颗邻近新星的辐射,使得金坦星的动物激烈变异,导致尼克托人演生出众多各异的亚种。Radiation from a nearby nova is believed to have sparked rampant mutation among the animal life of Kintan, and has resulted in the Nikto species encompassing a number of distinct sub-races.

一些家长在自家小区和周边小区托人打听、张贴小广告,还有些家长到网上发帖求助,以求“广撒网”。Some guardians ask somebody in oneself plot and the peripheral plot to inquire that to post the adlet , but also has a guardian to-line to send the placard to seek help, casts a net broadly in order.

从赫托收集的很多哺乳动物骨骼上都有石制工具留下的切痕,但我们不知道这些动物是被赫托人猎杀的还是被其他食肉动物杀死后留给赫托人的残羹冷炙。Many of the mammal bones collected from Herto bear cut marks from stone tools. It is impossible to say, however, whether the people were hunting the animals or scavenging the kills of other predators.