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低回声病灶细胞排列致密无上述结构。The hypoechoic lesions had tight cells structure.

产品的致密化可能相当重要。Densification of the product could be substantial.

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枕骨主要为致密的皮质骨。Occipital bone comprises compact os integumentale.

准噶尔盆地夏40井区储层致密。Xia 40 well area in Zunger Basin has tight reservoirs.

右边是致密的粉红色结缔组织硬脑膜。Note the dense pink connective tissue dura at the right.

这些问题都可以尽量减少对致密木屑。Such problems can be minimized by use of densified sawdust.

上表皮致密,较薄,厚度均匀。The epicuticle i3 dense and relatively uniform in thickness.

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上表皮致密,较薄,厚度均匀。The epicuticle is dense and relatively uniform in thickness.

由于紧密小鹰芹致密干燥,因此象泥炭一样是很好的燃料。Because the llareta is dry and dense, it burns well, like peat.

旋锻对钼棒具有较好的致密化效果。The rotary swaging processes effect on molybdenum rod was good.

材料基质部分结构致密,气孔少且多呈封闭的圆孔状。The refractories have dense matrix and a little amount of pores.

使至少部分的第一层纤维材料致密化。A least part of the first layer of fibrous material is densified.

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囊肿的密度与乳腺腺体相似或稍致密。Cyst density and mammary gland gland similar or slightly compact.

而且为了得到致密无裂纹的BST薄膜,必须减少它的厚度。And the thinner thickness is needed for crack free BST thin films.

凋亡细胞核呈浓染致密的固缩态或者颗粒状荧光。Normal cells showed uniform dispersion of low-density fluorescence.

文中还讨论了提高碳化钛骨架筋的致密度的机理。The mechanism of increase in density of the sinew of was discussed.

因为石陶器是致密的,所以上釉只是为了装饰。Because stoneware is nonporous, glaze is applied only for decoration.

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致密可被等同于基于不统一的业力和模式。Density can be equated to karma and patterns that are non-unity-based.

两组之间的纤维、纤维-脂和致密钙体积均相似。Fibrous, fibro-lipid and dense-calcium volume were similar in two groups.

胆管细胞癌中发现致密核心颗粒。We found electron-dense core granules in cytoplasm of cholangiocarcinoma.