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木星,土星,天王星和海王星。Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

这个物体就是气体巨星天王星。The object was the gas giant Uranus.

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天王星在本月将会正行。Uranus will also go direct this month.

水瓶座的守护星是土星和天王星。Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus.

本图像适用于天王星条目。This picture was created for Uranus article.

其中之一是天王星或海王星大小。One of them is about Uranus- or Neptune-sized.

天王星代表突然性的改变和反叛。Uranus represents sudden change and rebellion.

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第一颗以望远镜发现的行星是天王星。The first to be discovered telescopically was Uranus.

当天王星落入土象星座或者水象星座,这种情况更为明显。This is especially so if Uranus is in earth or water.

英格兰的威廉·赫歇耳于1781年发现了天王星。William Herschel of England discovered Uranus in 1781.

一旦天王星回复顺行,你将看到证据。Once Uranus goes direct, you will see evidence of this.

天王星主管水瓶座,而成为这个符号的元素是大气。Uranus rules Aquarius and the element of this sign is air.

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受天王星控制的水瓶座简直就是天王星的缩影。Aquarius is very much epitomes the planet that inspires it.

在这方面,现行的水瓶座守护星是天王星。In this regard, the prevailing star for Aquarius is Uranus.

一九七七年对天王星的几项新发现振奋了行星天文学家。New discoveries about Uranus excited planetary astronomers in 1977.

之外是是四颗气态巨行星——木星、土星、天王星和海王星。After that are four gas giants — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

相反的,让这个圆帮助我们指出天王星的位置。The Circlet , in turn, helps to point you in the direction of Uranus.

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在你的命盘中,金星跟天王星之间形成对分相。There is an opposition formed between Venus and Uranus in your chart.

访问天然气丰富的天王星需要核动力,无论如何。Accessing the gas riches of Uranus will require nuclear power, however.

在水瓶座,海王星是表现在一阴排序阳能源天王星。In Aquarius, Neptune is behaving in sort of a yin-yang energy to Uranus.