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DNF远古腰带任务怎样做?DNF ancient belt task to do?

幽州远古时代的九州之一。Youzhou of Kyushu, one of ancient times.

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在远古的时代黑并不算秀俊。In the old age black was not counted fair.

相传这里曾是远古时期德鲁伊的家园。Supposedly this was an ancient Druid site.

在酿酒过程中使用木制品可以追溯到远古时代。This use of wood in wine making is ancient.

远古弩车现在有“攻击地面”的命令了。Ballistae now have an "Attack Ground" command.

远古弩车现在有“攻击地面”的命令了。Ballistae now have an" Attack Ground" command.

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好了,看过了惠远古城的风貌之后呢。Well, after a brief look at this ancient city.

DOTA的全称是远古保卫者。The full name of DOTA is Defense of the Ancient.

握着它,我便与那些远古人类有了最直接的接触。And holding it puts me directly in touch with them.

在远古时代,这里一直是印第安人的栖息地。In ancient times, there has been an Indian habitats.

在远古时期,狩猎是人类最主要的活动。In remote antiquity the main human activity was hunt.

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夸父的远古梦想化作了小小的太阳能收集板。Kuafu ancient dream turned into a small solar panels.

这座雕像是在远古巴渝厅找到的。This statue was found in the "Ancient Ba & Yu" exhibit.

这是这个团队解开的第二个远古人类染色体。This is the second ancient genome this team has unraveled.

就像远古长毛象显示的那样,野生动物会挣扎求生。Wildlife struggles, as the extinction of the Mammoth shows.

这里展示的是苏联时代甚至更远古的烹饪杰作。Masterpieces of the culinary art of the Soviet era and more.

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耳文化是远古特有的文化现象。The culture of Ear was a unique phenomenon in ancient times.

不过幸好在远古道家里,有一种心诀。Fortunately, in the ancient Taoism there was a heart formula.

远古巨兽是据点里最强大的生物。Chaos Hydras are the most powerful creature of the Fortresses.