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有两个家伙围绕着这个女人竞相角逐,争风吃醋。Two guys tried to beat each other's time around the woman.

我希望有一个对我性专一的老婆,这样我就不会因为争风吃醋而影响学业了。I want a wife who will remain sexually faithful to me so that I do not have to clutter up my intellectual life with jealousies.

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报纸对她们的一举一动紧追不舍,如衣著、血拼、狂饮、奢宴,以及争风吃醋。Newspapers report breathlessly on their outfits, shopping outings, drinking sprees , dinner reservations and competitive habits.

老六带人在废弃工厂因康雯而争风吃醋,争执不下打斗起来,公安局同志赶到后制止他们。Old six people in jealousness borne, abandoned factories for Kang Wen bickering fight, after comrade police rushed to stop them.

结果两个男主人争风吃醋发生冲突,在房东女儿的以死威胁下矛盾得以化解,喜剧而终。Results two male host jealousness borne the conflict, the landlord daughter died to under threat to resolve conflicts, comedy and eventually.

长岛对由情欲引起的犯罪已形成了本地独有的、表面壮烈实则鄙俗的处理手法,用谋杀代替离婚来解决争风吃醋方面的仇怨这一行径便是其中一例。Long island has developed its own tawdry suburban version of the crime passional in which murder supplants divorce as a solution to the eternal triangle.

粉色与橙色争风吃醋而酿造的彩霞,不规则微微开启的弹丸小窗,仿佛墙上爬起来的调皮的漆皮。Pink and orange's jealousness borne the rosy clouds, the tiny windows was opened casually, they are like the naughty skin of the wall who is designing his own escape.

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郭先和姚一的哥们兼奴隶关系,他们两个人之间的争风吃醋,现实中太多见了。It's quite often to see that the two person like Guoxian and Yaoyi, who are not only buddies but also master and slave, they are arguing or quarrel because of jealous.

可能你干了很多活上司却不待见你,没准你有个本事不大脾气不小的下属,也许你的平级争风吃醋不怀好意,或者你的客户拽得像二五八万――你要很好的完成任务,就要设法摆平他们。There probably you really did a lot of efforts but your superior doesn’t catch sight of. Perhaps you have a subordinate whose competence is not that good but temperament is bad.

看着妈妈保护的这些小可怜围着后院宰鱼的大桌子,为了优厚的赏赐而争风吃醋,着实令人吃惊。It was a startling sight to see Mother's gangling young protégés vying for priority treatment, crowding around a large table in the backyard where fish were chopped sliced, and offered.