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有食品的商店寥寥无几。Very few stores have any food.

他脾气坏,因而朋友寥寥无几。His ugly disposition gained him few friends.

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这方面的实证支持更是寥寥无几。These have met with very little empirical support.

人人都在奢谈“忧患之墙”,但是能够使之量化的却寥寥无几。Everyone talks about a "wall of worry, " but few can quantify it.

患流行性感冒的人太多,连去执勤的警察也寥寥无几。So many people have flu that hardly any policemen reported for duty.

一个学期算下来,在饭堂吃饭的次数寥寥无几。One semester must register, the number of meals in the canteen are few.

但是朝这个方向研究的人寥寥无几,她说。But "fewer than a dozen people" are looking in this direction, she said.

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此外,在战后年代之后,有技术的石工寥寥无几。Besides, there are very few skilled stone workers left after the war years.

这些女人多数悦目,此中有些标致可爱,但称得上美丽动人的寥寥无几。Most of girls are good-looking, some are pretty, but very few are beautiful.

而一则典型的新闻搜索──例如阿富汗──搜索结果的广告寥寥无几。A typical news search -- for Afghanistan, say -- may generate few if any ads.

我们的业绩乏善可陈,银行存款寥寥无几,我们有的只是一腔热血和不灭的梦想。Little money in the bank. Just hustle in our veins and a dream that won't die.

但是只有寥寥无几的海外留学生像尼赫鲁所说的那样学成后回国“履行他们的诺言”。But few foreign graduates came home to "pay their pledge", as Nehru had put it.

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想去大峡谷露营的真的寥寥无几,还是都被苏子的模特儿给勾走了?Hey Greg! Maybe we should do models and Grand Canyon together one of these days.

然而,经过如此多的努力,中国在这方面投入的收益却寥寥无几。For all these efforts, however, China has had a limited return on its investment.

全然不同的是,我们对父子纽带的生物学知识所知寥寥无几。In stark contrast, we know very little about the biology of the father-child bond.

在英国能合法使用达盖尔照相术人寥寥无几,安托万·克劳德特是其中之一。Antoine Claudet was one of the few people legally able to take daguerreotypes there.

无论在女性文学史还是沦陷区文学中,提及到苏青的文字都寥寥无几。Feminist literature and Enemy-occupied area literature just reference to her little.

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的确,有能力达到这样崇高精神境界的人,实在寥寥无几。It is true that only a few people are capable of reaching such high moral standards.

诚然,在西欧,支持最近一轮欧盟东扩者寥寥无几。Indeed, the recent wave of EU enlargement has precious few defenders in Western Europe.

目前,在有效性上得到科学论证的干预措施寥寥无几。Currently, there are few interventions whose effectiveness has been scientifically proven.