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革命也来找贡觉活佛。Geming came to ask for Gongjue living Buddha.

第五世德珠活佛转世灵童被选举出来。Reincarnation of 5th Living Buddha Dezhub selected.

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金刚佛圣小活佛被迅速地寻获。Little Buddha Vajra Buddhaholy has quickly been found.

牧民们还是接连不断地来找贡觉活佛。Herdsmen come to see Gongjue living Buddha incessantly.

贡觉活佛一直把他们送到水边。Gongjue living buddha has accompanied them to waterside.

把贡觉活佛给他们的宝瓶埋在里面。They covered up the treasure bottle of Gongjue living Buddha.

可惜我不能与活佛对话,因为他只说藏语。I couldn't talk to the Living Buddha, who only spoke Tibetian.

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约夏.贝克是一个有趣的活佛,他目前居住在美国。Joshua Becker is the quaint Buddha that lives in modern America.

此后五当召再也没有条件请回活佛了。After five when called no condition, please return living buddhas.

贡觉活佛答应忙完了法事就找他。Gongjue living Buddha promised to tell him after the Buddhist rituals.

活佛来了的消息在这个小村庄传开了。The news that living Buddha has come got abroad in this small village.

因此贡觉活佛要在这里做一个转经筒。Therefore, Gongjue living Buddha is going to make a prayer wheel here.

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有位禅师有个很虔诚却天真的弟子,视他为活佛。Zen master had a faithful but very naive student who regarded him as a living buddha.

灵塔,专门用于保存活佛遗体的佛塔。Dedicated specifically for the preservation of the remains of the Living Buddha Stupa.

第三世多杰羌佛是几千年来获得认证最多的顶首大活佛。Dorje Chang Buddha III is the most widely recognized leader in the history of Buddhism.

藏传佛教特有的活佛转世的传承方式得到充分尊重。The Living Buddha reincarnation system, unique to Tibetan Buddhism, is fully respected.

人们嘲笑我说“看你,以为自己是活佛啊”,这样的话我并不介意。People laugh at me and go, “Oh look at you, the Buddha” – stuff like that. I don’t care.

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贡觉活佛虽然出门在外但是给人治病的东西都带在身边。Though Gongjue living Buddha is out home, the medicine instruments are taken at all times.

曲卓是结古寺第一世嘉南活佛编创的宗教祭祀性民间歌舞,迄今已有近四百年的历史。Qu Zuo was a kind of religion sacrifice folk music composed and edited by Jia nan Living Lama No.

因为玉树是藏族同胞的主要居住区,所以贡噶活佛相信幸存者需要来自僧侣的关怀。As Yushu is a predominantly ethnic Tibetan region, he believes survivors require the comfort of monks.