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负责会计凭证汇总。装订及保管工作。Bookbinding and custody of the work.

请让我看一下您的定房凭证,好吗?Can I have your hotel voucher, please?

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请保存收据,作为退换的凭证。Please present the receipt for exchange.

俱乐部会员号码在会员凭证上标示。The clubber's number on member's evidence.

准备会计凭证制作工资表。Prepare journal voucher to take up? payroll.

依据合法的记帐凭证登帐。Registration of all the legal account books.

保存好付讫的支票作为付款凭证。Save your cancelled checks as proof of payment.

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当支付条款为CIF时,保险单或保险凭证.insurance policy/certificate in case of CIF terms

不需要手续费凭证,你也拿不到。Do not need poundage proof, you also are not taken.

月末,提供所有的分类账凭证。Prepares all Journal Vouchers for month-end closing.

凭证复核员在请款单上签字确认。Voucher auditor signs on the correct payment request.

凭证获取特定于安全机制。Credential acquisition is security mechanism-specific.

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按付款凭证所列金额正确支付现金、启付款凭证。Issue payment in accordance to payment voucher amount.

如果凭证经证明是无效的,那么便会返回错误。If the credentials prove to be invalid, return an error.

否则,现在就花一分钟创建您的凭证。Otherwise, take a minute to create your credentials now.

这些税在凭证处理时予以过账。These taxes are posted when the documents are processed.

在FM2.0和用友财务系统中输入成品出货凭证。Enter shipping entries into FM2.0 and User Friend system.

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您还可以当面付款,本所给您开据收据作为凭证。You can also pay by cash, you will get a receipt from us.

负责装订实业公司、有限公司凭证。Staple the vouchers of the business and limited companies.

这是我们今天的赛会工作员证,工作人员要凭证才能自由进出。This ID Card is just for our volunteers and stadium staff.