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先生你能看见街道牌号吗?Sir , can you see a street sign ?

那辆出租车的牌号是多少?What is the license plate of the taxi.

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它们销售各种牌号地洗衣机可以。They sell all makes of washing machines.

本公司可以生产各种牌号的铸铁。The company can produce various brands of cast iron.

那个推销员试图以劣质牌号骗卖给我们。The salesman tried to fob off an inferior brand on us.

再说,其他牌号的采煤机也不错。Furthermore, those of other brands are not so bad at all.

伐尔玛记下了那辆车的牌号。Varma had noted down the registration number of the vehicle.

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例如,进口商可以为私人牌号的顾客重新给产品加标志。For example, an importer may mark a product for a private brand.

如果发生口模积料,尝试使用别的供应商的类似牌号。If die buildup occurs, try a similar grade from another supplier.

在香味或色泽方面,其它牌号的红茶很难与我们的红茶相比。Few other teas can compare with ours either for flavour or colour.

机加操作指导书上没有规定切削液的牌号/型号。The type of cutting liquid is not defined on machining process WI.

产品包括优质合金钢与超级合金243个牌号。The products by ESR include 243 designations of steel and superalloy.

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万一有需要,我们可供应同样规格的其它牌号货品。In case of need we can offer you some other brand of the same specification.

但细看驶过的一辆辆机动车,基本没有牌号尾数为1和6的车辆。But a look at passing motor vehicles, basic no mantissa for grades 1 and 6 vehicles.

我们可以按照客户所指定的商品的商标和牌号接受订单。We are prepared to accept orders for goods with customers' own trade marks or brand names.

覆层材料可按用户要求使用各种牌号的奥氏体,铁素体,马氏体和双相不锈钢材料。And the application of raw materials can be customized according to the consumers' demands.

牌体正面的汽车牌号用反光漆制成。The automobile numbers on the facade of the number-plate body are made of reflecting paints.

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“这些新牌号的开发就是对不断变化的趋势最直接的回应,”贝那里克说。These new grades have been developed in direct response to changing trends, " said Bednarik."

不能用你们的商标牌号,因这种商标别人已注册。UR BRND AS ITS ALRDY REGD BY OTRS-cannot use your brand as it is already registered by others.

西山窑组含煤11层,可采10层,煤的工业牌号以长焰煤为主。The coal-bearing seam is 11 seams and the mineable layer is 10. The main coal type is jet coal.