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我想,他们贪污了不少。I suppose they embezzle a lot.

他们贪污挪用公款使商行破产了。Their embezzlement bankrupted the firm.

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贪污造成该政府的政治腐败。Graft has begrimed the government's politics.

我如何才能从公司里贪污5块钱?。How can I embezzle 5 dollars from my company?

贪污造成该政府的政治腐败。Graft has be grimed the government's politics.

他们就在他眼皮子底下把公款贪污了。They were embezzling funds right under his nose.

那个国家里仍然贪污成风。Corruption is still running rife in that country.

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示威者提出“不要贪污,不要专政”。"No to corruption," they say. "No to dictatorship."

其中,有关楼宇管理的贪污举报735宗。Of them, 735 complaints involved building management.

执政党自大傲慢、任人唯亲、贪污腐败。The ruling party is arrogant, nepotistic and corrupt.

在紧急救济行动中,存在哪些贪污风险?What are the risks in the immediate relief operation?

高大人贪污的证据已被杨素搜到。Tall people corruption evidence has been found to the.

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他对那宗贪污案痛心疾首。His whole nature revolted against that case of corruption.

贪污与肃贪是一对孪生兄弟。Corruption and anti-corruption are a pair of twin brothers.

贪污纳贿、失职是受到惩治的主要原因。The punishable causations were corruption and breach of duty.

外资受到欢迎,但贪污侵蚀了利润。Foreign investors are welcome, but corruption devours profits.

中国当政者说,官员贪污腐败是国家最大的毒瘤。China’s rulers say corrupt cadres are the nation’s worst enemy.

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政治家不再处于统治地位,贪污腐败天天在滋长,阴谋诡计代替了公共美德,一切都在变腐朽。Intrigue took the place of public virtue, and all deteriorated.

这个黑心律师贪污了顾客数百万。This ruthless attorney embezzled millions from clients. embezzle.

贪污能团结一些当地的乡绅,在一段时间内还能赢得投票。Corruption cemented local baronies and for a good while won votes.