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掩藏着他们纠缠的幽怨。They have concealed their tangled grievances.

缓缓的水儿呀,又怎能承载得了我满腔的幽怨。Water slowly infants, how can I load the wholehearted ?

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她们不会做出可爱且幽怨的表情,不会扮演弱势的女性角色。They don't put on the cute whiny face and play the weaker sex.

也许就是这种幽怨的情绪,凄惋了易安居士情深命薄的容颜。It is this kind of sad mood, desolate easy Ann lay love life thin face.

眼神幽怨,还羼杂着些许的愤怒和无奈。There is a sad look in her eyes, with mingled indignation and helplessness.

你的幽怨,愤恨,失败,嫉妒,都归于灰飞烟灭。Your guidges, resentments , frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear.

为什么美国黑人爵士音乐作曲家把他们的歌曲叫“蓝色”幽怨曲呢?And why did the black American composers of sad jazz music call their songs "blues"?

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睹物思人,触景生情,一小点触动就能拨动你思念的琴弦,清脆而幽怨。A small point will be able to switch to touch the strings of your thoughts, and clear.

别了!别了!你那幽怨的颂歌将消退,越过草地,穿过静静的小溪。Adieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades, Past the near meadows, over the still stream.

她的表情一定是歇斯底里的,言语也一定是万分幽怨的。Her expression is hysterical certainly, utterance also is certainly extremely of hidden bitterness.

灰蒙蒙的天空下,花岗岩作成的墓碑,挺立在倾盆大雨中,弥漫着深深的幽怨。Against the leaden sky, the granite stones, standing in the pouring rain, exuded a profound sense of melancholy.

希望在我一觉醒来,我的爱,能够回来我身边,从此,清除心中的幽怨,这样的我,才会幸福永远!Hope that when I wake up, my love, will come back to me, from now on, the mind of me, so I will be happy forever!

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这种消遣使他从深深的幽怨中获得快乐,他妻子东奔西跑去买了所有能找到的颜料。Delighted with this distraction from his dark broodings, Clementine rushed off to buy whatever paints she could find.

我走在烟雨南部逐渐转变消失,通过雨耳朵流幽怨。I walk in the gradual shift of the southern misty rain disappeared, the ears flow through the rain hidden bitterness.

但是,也有个别人、个别地方表现的不尽如人意,让人心生幽怨。However, there are individual people, individual parts of unsatisfactory performance, people may feel hidden bitterness.

也罢,今夜,我是寂寞的舞者,伴着幽怨的箫音,踏乐翩跹,敲碎那久远的灵魂。Worth mentioning, tonight, I was lonely dancers, accompanied Resentment of Xiao Yin, stepping Fantasy music, crack that old soul.

女朋友就是把你的承诺刻在心里,却仍是满腹幽怨地不停追问你会不会后悔的那个人。Your girlfriend is engraved in the hearts of the commitment, is still full of Youyuan to keep asking you will not regret that person.

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这些自然意象或人文意象往往具有清淡雅洁或幽怨隐逸的特点,这些和司马光的人格魅力和个性追求密不可分。These natural or human images are either quietly elegant or secluded, closely connected with Sima Guang's personal charm and personality.

最寂寥的时候,他甚至亲手描画了一册线装书来抒发自己故国相思的幽怨缠绵。In his lonesome hours, he even depicted a Chinese traditional String-bound book, an outlet for his homesickness possessing him all the time.

看着她看自己的眼神,似乎期待着自己的回答,也让雨有点害怕,那眼神的幽怨足以迷死任何一个色狼了。Look at her own eyes, seems to be waiting for his answer, also let the rain a little scared, eyes that resentment to dead either a lady-killer.