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压缩空气也很有用。Compressed air will work, too.

压缩空气系统和制氮机。Compressed air systems, and nitrogen.

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此钢砂主要用于压缩空气设备。For use mainly with compressed air equipment.

用去离子水清洗,压缩空气吹干。Clean with DI water and dry with compressed air.

不要在压缩空气管道内安装EPDM衬垫。Do not install EPDM liner in compressed air lines.

空气、压缩空气、水、海水、热水、弱酸等。Air, compressed air, Water, hot water, weak acid, etc.

压缩空气动力使用灵活、经济安全。Compressed-air power is flexible, economical, and safe.

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压缩空气也用于避振器的弹簧。Compressed air is also used for the spring of the absorber.

仅需要带压缩空气接头的盖。Only the cover with the compressed-air connection is required.

在当前的情况下,他对压缩空气的热情不大。Compressed air he’s not so enthusiastic about in this scenario.

降低压缩空气露点,使设备的效率更高。Lowers compressed air dewpoints for better equipment efficiency.

介绍了一种蓄能型压缩空气冷冻干燥机。An energy storage freezing drier of compressed air was introduced.

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水蒸气饱和的压缩空气流进入“在线”干燥塔。Water vapor saturated compressed air flow into "online" dry tower.

采煤设备。煤矿器材和工具。压缩空气管。变径管接头。Mining equipment. compressed air pipes. conical reduction couplings.

这一问题使得‘压缩空气储能’卷土重来。That problem has brought compressed-air energy storage roaring back.

肺部压缩空气的力量大小,决定音量大小。The compression from your lungs determine the loudness of the voices.

利用压缩空气来向海面运送大块矿石或许也是可行的。It might also be possible to lift large deposits using compressed air.

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压缩空气注入在左端进气歧管管。Compressed air is injected at the left end of the intake manifold tube.

废气被驱逐出境的引擎的压缩空气清除。Exhaust gases are expelled from the engine by compressed-air scavenging.

冷却后的压缩空气经过一个截止阀进入用气系统。After cooling of the compressed air after a stop valve into the gas system.