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我真想念我的母校!How I miss my old school!

清华大学是我的母校。Qinghua University is my Alma Mater.

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我离别母校已经10年了.I've left the Alma Mater for 10 years.

他对自己的母校有着深厚的感情。He has fond feelings for his Alma Mater.

欢迎参观我的母校-宁波诺丁汉大学!The University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China.

我们必须为母校赢得荣誉。We must try to win glory for the alma mater.

经过母校步行回家仅仅为了取乐而已。Walking home by the alma mater is just for seeking fun.

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私元两整逐一年我永久分开了我的母校,辛集合教。In 2011 I ever leave my alma mater, Xinji middle school.

娜奥米实然访问了她在伦敦的母校。Naomi paid a surprise visit to her old school in London.

我的高中母校下个月举办二十周年同学会。My high school is having its twentieth reunion next month.

在1991年,达力进入了斯梅廷学校--他父亲的母校。In 1991, Dudley went to Smeltings, his father's old school.

一位50岁的美国军官回到他的母校。A 50-years-old American officer came back to his old school.

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高中毕业十年以后,我回母校团聚,碰到以前的教练。Back at my high school for the tenth reunion, I met my old coach.

是的,她从北大毕业以后还在母校执教。Yes, and she teaches in Peking University after graduation there.

他很高兴,并想要一些他母校的照片。He was pleased, and asked also for some pictures of his alma mater.

晚上。我的母校中华小学的礼堂。At night. At the hall of my primary school Sekolah Rendah Chung Hua.

冼星海在新加坡度过童年,养正学校是他的母校。Xian spent his childhood in Singapore and studied in Yangzheng Primary.

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每当经过我的母校,我总是想起校长威尔金斯先生。I never go past my old school but I think of Mr Wilkins, the headmaster.

李先生回母校任教时?发现整个地方变了个样。When Lee returned to her alma mater to teach, he found it a changed place.

我现在在母校乔治城大学为15位女性本科生提供小组辅导。I'm mentoring a group of 15 female undergrads at Georgetown, my alma mater.