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又好象是一骨碌儿水滴。It's like drops of water.

他一骨碌爬起跳下了床。He got out of bed with a spring.

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那人一骨碌翻身下地,突然间伸手撑足,变得又高又大。All of a sudden, he stretched out his four limbs and turned instantly into a big tall man.

你想上哪儿都行,你还可以一骨碌地爬到树上去,但你逃不脱枪炮的打击。You can go where you please, you can skid up the trees, but you can't get away from the guns!

这时候,睡在地板上的孩子翻了个身,一骨碌坐了起来害怕地向四周望了一下。Meanwhile the boy upon the floor began to stir, and presently sat up and looked about him with a scare.

轻咬几下,待海水渗透到蚝肉里,一骨碌吞下,冰凉爽口。Nibble a few mouthfuls, not swiftly swallow in until the seawater penetrates into the oyster meat, how cold and refreshing!

今天我有点醉,试着扶着一颗树好站稳一点,结果却一骨碌的滚了过去。Today, while slightly intoxicated, I tried to steady myself against what I thought was a tree, but ended up sliding all the way down it.

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但这两个中,有一个显然是受了惊吓而非挂彩,因为他又一骨碌爬起来,立刻便消失在了树林里。But of these, one was evidently more frightened than hurt, for he was on his feet again in a crack, and instantly disappeared among the trees.

他翻来复去,等到伦敦那阴沉的白天开始上曙光,便一骨碌爬了起来,前往柏利街他叔父的寓所。He tossed about until the appearance of the dismal London daylight, when he sprang up desperately, and walked off to his uncle's lodgings in Bury Street.

少年一听他的话,兴奋的一骨碌从床铺上坐了起来,似乎连肚子都不感觉疼了,”你说真的吗?If the youth a listen to him, a bone of the excitement Lu sat in seat of prestige from the mattress and seemed act not even feel belly is painful, "are you serious?"

她们一会儿告辞了,而且那两个娘儿们出于她们的兄弟彬格莱先生的意料之外,一骨碌从座位上站了起来,拔腿就走,好象急于要避开班纳特太太那些纠缠不清的繁文缛节似的。They were soon gone again, rising from their seats with an activity which took their brother by surprise, and hurrying off as if eager to escape from Mrs. Bennet's civilities.