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谁是世界的救星?The Saviour of the world?

“海洋的救星”?"The Saviours of the Sea"?

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向日葵成日本福岛救星?。Sunflowers to rescue Japan?

呼尔嗨哟,他是人民大救星!Dole called Haiyo, he was a great emancipator!

来吧,斯坦索姆的居民们!会见你们的救星。Come, citizen of Stratholme! Meet your saviors.

对一些经济体来说,中国是一个大救星。For some economies, China has been a lifesaver.

日式串烧的酱料可说是蔬菜串烧的救星。The vegetable skewer's saving grace is the Yakitori sauce.

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但数字放映也不一定是救星。But digital screeners won't necessarily be a savior either.

二毛反成了自己及丁氏兄弟的救星。At the DingShi himself and became the savior of the brothers.

大猩猩的粪便说不定或许正是地球的大救星。Gorilla dung could conceivably be the salvation of the planet.

就像圣地伯利恒的救星一样,它告诉我在哪里可以获救。Like the star of Bethlehem, it announced where my salvation lay.

图层是一切较复杂设计工作的救星。Layers were and are a lifesaver for any marginally complex design.

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天气干旱了这么久,这场雨成了农民的救星。After so much dry weather, the rain has been the farmer's salvation.

单纯从利益角度而言,这些布朗的救星多数会轻易出卖他们的忠诚。In mercenary terms, most of the saviours sold their loyalty cheaply.

气候干旱了这么久,这场雨成了农民的救星。After so much dry weather, this rain has been the farmers' salvation.

你的救星就是时时刻刻描述那些细枝末节。Your salvation lies in a moment-by-moment recounting of the minutiae.

燕儿为救星虎而死,星虎邪火攻心!Yan son died for emancipator tiger, star tiger evil have been fighting fire heart!

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N9运行的是MeeGo的操作系统,曾经它对于诺基亚来说应该是救星。The N9 runs MeeGo, an operating system that was once supposed to be Nokia's savior.

有没有救星可以拯救富裕国家脱离现在的困境呢?Is there a deus ex machina, a device that will rescue the rich world from its plight?

这就是为什么当我看到电影或剧作把领袖当成准救星加以崇拜时,我会生气。That's why I get angry when I see movies or plays venerating leaders as quasi-Messiahs.