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他住在海格特区附近某处。He lives somewhere Highgate way.

华盛顿特区,是一个高消费城市。Washington, D.C., in an expensive city.

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华盛顿医院中心,华盛顿特区。Washington Hospital Center, Washington DC.

他们对特区有多少贡献?How much do they contribute to SEZ's economy?

您认为“奢侈品包装的绿色革命”特区的展示如何?How did you think about"Luxe Pack in Green" area?

美国首都华盛顿全称为华盛顿哥伦比亚特区。Washington district of columbia --washington d. c.

——乔治·W·布什,2004年4月5日,于华盛顿特区。Washington, D.C., August 5, 2004 – George W. Bush.

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他住在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,我们非常高兴。We're very pleased to have him in Washington, D.C.

六枝特区位于贵州省西部。Six special zones are located west Guizhou Province.

上图是在马里兰州哥伦比亚特区出生一天的男婴。This one-day-old boy was born in Columbia, Maryland.

华盛顿特区联队赢得了头两个大联盟冠军。D. C. United won the first two M. L. S. championships.

明天,澳门特区将迈进新的历史阶段。The history of the MSAR will turn a new page tomorrow.

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是啊,我不知道华盛顿特区的冬天这么冷。BYes, I didn't know Washington, DC got so cold in winter.

1901年,陆军军事学院在华盛顿特区成立。In1901 army war college was established in washington dc.

福尔斯彻奇市其实可以算作华盛顿特区的郊区。Falls Church, Virginia is really a suburb of Washington DC.

这位传奇的玛米现在住在华盛顿特区。Mamie is still alive and lives in the Washington D.C. area.

在这个特区有多少个外商投资公司?How many foreign-affiliated companies are there in this SEZ?

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华盛顿特区开设第一个Park-O-Mat汽车停车场。The first Park-O-Mat parking garage opens in Washington, D.C.

华盛顿特区在纪念永垂不朽的新闻记者提姆•罗泽特。Washington D. C. is remembering longtime newsman Tim Russert.

Kiplinger是华盛顿特区的一份个人理财刊物。Kiplinger is a personal finance publication in Washington, D. C.