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公司具备自己的原料和商品生产厂家。The company has raw materials and self-produced factory.

货币,毕竟既不能吃也不能在商品生产过程中被消耗掉。Money, after all, can neither be eaten nor used up in production.

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价格上涨会有利于大宗商品生产国。Rising prices stand to benefit the commodity-producing economies.

现在,我们正在向那些商品生产国家还债。Now some of those gains are being recouped by commodity-producing countries.

它不仅是一部规范商品生产的私法,而且也包含了有关宗教内容的公法。It was not only a private law on commodity production but also a public law on religion.

重点论述獭兔商品生产提高质量、发展数量的成功经验。The successful experience of improving the quality and quantity of rax industry was introduced.

物化劳动也能够创造价值是商品生产发展的必然结果,是价值规律自发调节的产物。That materialized labor creates value is the certain result of auto-adjustment of value principle.

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直到几年前,中国还被认为是在进行低质量、低成本、无创意的大规模商品生产。Until a few years ago, China was considered a low-quality, low cost, non-innovative large-scale commodity production.

因此,进行沙田柚少核机理及其调控研究对促进沙田柚的商品生产具有重要意义。Therefore, studies on the seedless mechanism and regulation have important significance for the production of Shatianyou.

我们曾经高度依赖食品援助,而现在我们几乎已经可以在商品生产方面自给自足了,”总理说。We used to depend heavily on food aid and now we are almost self sufficient in food production,” the Prime Minister says.

对股市来说,另外一个不确定因素是新兴市场和大宗商品生产国可能会加息。Another wild card for stocks is the potential for higher interest rates in emerging markets and commodity-producing countries.

是指商品生产者的劳动,是提供给社会的,构成社会总劳动的组成部分,其劳动具有社会性质。In the society of commodity economy, science-technological labor is an entia of contradiction between private labor and social labor.

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从货币收益的角度看,农家小院系统的费用使用效率、商品生产获利能力要优于芦花湖系统。The results showed that the Farmyard system got more benefit than the Luhua Lake system did from the point of view of monetary profit.

为全省农业如何实现集约经营、综合开发、商品生产、持续发展探索了一条有效的途径。And a valoable way how to realize intensive farming, comprehensive development, commodity production in the whole province is explored.

立木生产作为一个独立的商品生产过程,完全有可能、有条件实行林价。Stumpage produces the commodity that becomes independent as to produce a course, completely possible, conditional execute forest valence.

随着商品生产与销售的空间距离扩大,社会物流在营销活动中的地位日益突出。The expansion of space between goods production and its marketing has foregrounded the position of goods distribution in goods marketing.

但是,如果商品生产的增长速度超过了货币供应量增长速度,通货膨胀不一定会发生。This, however, need not always be the case if the pace of increase in the production of goods exceeds the rate of increase in money supply.

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为了满足对商品生产的强烈欲望,大公司向社区投资破坏了整个地区。Large corporations are plowing into communities destroying entire areas for the satisfaction of this unquenchable lust for commercial products.

商品价值,实质上是人们以社会必要劳动为基准,对商品生产行为所作出的一种肯定性评价。The value of commodity os a positive evaluation about the behaviors of commodity production which is benchmarked by the social necessary labor.

此外,鼓励以其他生态系统服务为代价进行商品生产的补贴会加重环境的退化。In addition, subsidies that encourage the production of marketed goods at the expense of other ecosystem services can aggravate their degradation.