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什么是腰椎?What is lumbar?

创伤也可导致腰椎小关节源性疼痛。Trauma may also cause lumbar facetogenic pain.

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髋关节炎常和腰椎关节炎伴发。Arthritis often coexists in the hip and lumbar spine.

她因腰椎手术得住院。She had to go into hospital for her lumbar operation.


腰椎骨质增生的最佳治疗方法是???Is the optimal treatment method of lumbar bone hyperplasia? ? ?

肌肉对腰椎节间和多节段。The intersegmental and multisegmental muscles of the lumbar spine.

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这些肌肉自胸腰椎发出,与尾端相连接。These muscles run along the thoracolumbar spine and attach caudally.

腰椎的退行性改变常可导致腰痛症状。Of lumbar retreat travel sex change to often can cause lumbago symptom.

自体髂嵴骨移植成为腰椎融合的传统方法。Iliac crest autograft bone has traditionally been used for lumbar fusion.

骨折可由外伤引起,但不常发生在腰椎。Fracture related to direct trauma, occur infrequently in the lumbar spine.

回顾性分析24例腰椎后上缘软骨结节的CT资料。Methods The CT data of 24 patients with LPMN was analysed retrospectively.

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腰椎前凸、NRS评分没有统计学意义。Deterioration in lumbar lordosis and NRS leg pain were not of significance.

目的比较低蛋白饲料对大鼠胫骨上段和腰椎松质骨的影响。Objective To explore the skeletal effects of low protein diet in male rats.

骨盆倾角与腰椎前凸直接相关而与后凸无直接相关。Pelvic incidence correlated directly with lumbar lordosis but not kyphosis.

矢状平面旋转骨盆期间腰椎后前负荷。Sagittal plane rotation of the pelvis during lumbar posteroanterior loading.

在人类体内胸腰椎瞬态振动分析正常。In Vivo Transient Vibration Analysis of the Normal Human Thoracolumbar Spine.

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方法应用椎体融合器治疗腰椎滑脱症12例。Methods The TFC was applied for 12 patients to treat lumbar spondylolisthesis.

本文对腰椎前路椎间融合术的临床应用现状进行综述。This paper overviews the current progress in the clinical application of ALIF.

方法20只重庆成年杂交犬行腰椎穿刺。Method Lumbar puncture was performed in 20 hybridized adult dogs from Chongqing.