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眺望著这一片的花海。Overlook a space of flowers.

他凝目眺望大海。He was staring out to the sea.

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每当眺望这欢畅的秋野。In looking on the happy autumn fields.

从这座山上可以眺望美丽的远景。The hill commands a fine distant view.

我要一间可以眺望湖景的套房。I'd like to take a suite with lake view.

倚着轩窗,我眺望远山。On the porch window, our view of the mountains.

在法兰克福美茵大厦观景台上眺望整个城市。City from Frankfurt Main Tower observation deck.

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当我抬头眺望蓝天时我又将知道些什么?。And what will I know when I look up to the skies?

Veronica站立湖边,向湖里眺望,她明显地颤抖着,试图报警。Veronica stands overlooking a lake, clearly shaken.

我要一间可以眺望湖景的双人房。I want a double room with a good view over the lake.

你可以从那座山眺望谷间远处的那边。From the mountain you can look off across the valley.

眺望海上你就会明白,是谁在主宰着舞台上的表演。Look out to sea and you know who is running the show.

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向四周眺望,所见的地平线处均是起伏的山峦。On the horizon, in every direction, are the mountains.

在我观看景色时,太阳己经西下,于是我又转身向东眺望。The sun went down as I watched, and I turned eastward.

峰顶眺望,安陆县城尽收眼底。Peak overlooks, Anlu panoramic view of the county seat.

眺望台内部与结构运用了木材。Built with wood, both in its structure and its interior.

雷尼可以从那座山眺望谷间远处的那边。From the mountain, Lenny can look off across the valley.

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雕梁画栋的格子楼里,凭栏眺望。A richly ornamented building grid building, Pinglan view.

他将成为冰封的“眺望旅馆”的看管员。He will be the caretaker of the snowbound Overlook Hotel.

伦思孚跳上船栏去,以便在更高处眺望。Rainsford leaped up on the rail to get greater elevation.