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那沙砾产金量高。The gravel pans well.

她的脚喀嚓喀嚓地踩在沙砾上。Her feet scrunch on the gravel.

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沙砾搅着泥浆。The gravel was puddling with the mud.

在受大海冲刷的沙砾中沉睡。Asleep in the sand with the ocean washing over.

我预料他们今晚要在路面上撒沙砾。I expect they'll be gritting the roads tonight.

在展示台上有舞台烟幕和闪光的沙砾。There was stage smoke and glitter grit on the runway.

一幅关于巴哈马沙砾和水草的卫星图像。A satellite image of the sands and seaweed in the Bahamas.

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倒些沙砾在你地里的底部以用来排水。Pour some gravel into the bottom of your pot for drainage.

铁砧表面的凹痕可能要用600沙砾纸打磨。Pitted anvil surfaces may be refinished with 600 grit paper.

粗稠的,上面盖有泥灰,沙砾和粘土的底层土。A thick porous chalk subsoil covered with marl, clay or sand.

在沥青路面上我没问题,在沙砾上我就完全没有经验了。On asphalt I would probably be okay but on gravel I have no experience.

她收起阳伞,坐在那儿,心不在焉地在沙砾上画着图案。She had furled her parasol and sat absently drawing patterns on the gravel.

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沙漠,扬起你的沙砾,遮蔽太阳的光芒吧——无疤者奥斯里安。The desert, raise your gravel, hide the sun's light——Ossirian the Unscarred.

望及一片的沙砾,许多戴着黄头盔的工人正坐在沙砾上看报纸。We passed a strip of gravel. On the gravel some orange-helmeted workers sat.

地方政府有责任在道路结冰时撒上盐和沙砾。Local governments are responsible for salting and gritting roads as they freeze.

只有风可以打破寂静,让泥土和沙砾掠过岩石发出声响。Only the wind broke it, and the sound of dirt and gravel shifting over the rocks.

探矿者淘选从河床中挖出的少量含金泥砂和沙砾。The prospector panned off bits of sand and gravel scooped from the bed of a stream.

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肉蛆,污秽,积垢,湿粪,粘液,熔渣,沙砾,尘垢,油烟,残渣,灰尘,污泥,肮脏邋遢。GRUB, filth, grime, muck, gunk, slag, grit, grunge, smut, dross, dust, sludge, squalor.

避免钢丝绳暴露在可能导致有害的腐蚀和刮痕的脏的和有沙砾的环境中。Exposure to dirt and grit can cause harmful erosion and scratching and should be avoided.

东去的小路和一些地方的路肩都用柏油和沙砾重新铺过。Tar and gravel have been used to resurface the eastbound lane and, in places, the shoulder.