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佛教法师在物品回归时作了佛事仪式。Buddhist priests blessed the items upon their return.

佛教信仰及参与佛事活动是傣族人传统行为习惯构成的核心。Buddhism and Buddhist activities are the core tradition of the Dai nationality.

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普济寺是普陀山的佛教活动中心,一切重大的佛事活动在此举行。Puji Temple is the Buddhist activity center of Mt Putuo and all the major Buddhist activities are held here.

本研究以女性佛事组织为切入点,着眼于学校以外的教育,试图从教育学的角度回答上述问题。It focuses on the education outside school, and attempts to answer the above question from educational perspective.

在黄庙,也只有一两个庙的僧人凑在一起才能做起带乐器的佛事来。And in Huang Temples, only by assembling of the monks of two temples together could do the ceremony with instruments.

佛洞,此处泛指古佛洞、无底洞、文殊洞、老虎洞等众多与佛或佛事有关的洞穴。Buddha Cave, here refers to Gufo hole, bottomless pit, Munsu-dong, Lao Hudong and many other Buddhist or Foshi and the caves.

此人为官多年,不算两袖清风,但也不曾为非做歹,笃信佛事,一心向善。Officials who for many years and is not thus leave it penniless, but do not have non-evil, the devout Buddhist, the good one.

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在此基础上,探讨佛事组织教育功能是如何实现的问题,着重分析了它构成教育活动的基本要素。On this basis, the author pondered how the education function realizes and emphatically analyzed the elements in this educational activity.

亲人们聚集在佛事灵堂为“亡者”做超生仪式时,“死者”突然开始呼吸、渐渐苏醒。The man's relatives were in a Buddhist mourning hall, reciting prayers over the dead body, when it gasped and woke up, the Shanghai Daily reports.

随着佛教在中国的深远流传,明代中期,山上终于兴建了寺庙,其名曰“万佛名山”,可见当时佛事之盛了。As Buddhism spread in China's far-reaching, the mid-Ming, was the construction of the temple hill, the fine-sounding name "poke its famous" can be seen at the time of-sheng a Buddhist.

唐代是佛教发展的鼎盛时期,而寺庙作为佛教的标志性建筑,从事佛事活动的场所,其数量亦随着佛教的发展日益庞大。The Tang Dynasty was the heyday of the development of the Buddhism, then temples as a landmark of the Buddhism and a place for Buddhist activities were increasing with the development of the Buddhism.