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快在手机上体验一下吧,来个大战四方以振雄风了!Fast on the phone Try it out, to a four-to-glory war!

回顾历史,大多银行能从法律纠纷中重振雄风。History says that banks bounce back from legal problems.

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也不知是否尧舜的雄风刚从那穗尖上吹过?。Had they just been exposed to the strong winds of Yao and Shun?

虎以百兽之王著称,有着傲然的雄风与气度。Tiger with the king of beasts, the penis and bearing a proudly.

印度——另一个正在崛起的亚洲经济力量是否也会借奥运一展雄风?Will this happen for the other rising Asian economic power, India?

但是这位意大利车手相信雷诺车队会在雪邦赛道重振雄风。But the Italian believes Renault will be in better shape at Sepang.

中国女排何时能重振雄风?When will the Chinese women's volleyball team experience a revival?

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改革开放的号角鼓荡起东方的雄风。Clarion call for reform and opening up Gudang Treasures from the Orient.

随经济萧条恶化,芭比娃娃的保守价值也重振雄风。As the recession deepens, Barbie’s conservative values are also back in vogue.

而且现在已经没有时间或者机会留给我们团结一致的重建或者重振雄风了。There is no time or chance left for consensus building or will left to GOVERN.

在消失了二十一个月后,今年三月,罗纳尔多终于浮出水面,再展雄风。In March of this year after a 21-month absence, Ronaldo finally returned to action.

而重振雄风的关注之一是紧紧拥抱生活。One of the keys to regain its splendour and fascination is to embrace life tightly.

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但到了1453年,雄风再起的法兰西人夺回了控制权。But by 1453 the rejuvenated French had wrested back control, and only Calais remained.

城墙历经了600余年的风雨沧桑,至今仍雄风犹存。Despite 600 years of wind and rain erosion, the wall still looks as grand and majestic.

张保仔对郑一说出可祈求「九龙珍珠」的帮助,到时郑一雄风再现,必胜无疑。Cheung Po tsai pray for zheng said the Kowloon pearls help, when zheng a glory, surely win.

奥巴马的计划可能重振NASA雄风,并再次将美国宇航员送入太阳系。Mr Obama’s plan may revitalise NASA and send American astronauts into the solar system once again.

长城遗址,已失去昔日的雄风,沙峰相衬,愈显悲壮与荒凉。Great Wall ruins, has lost its past glory, sand peak phase, desolate and tragic markedly effective.

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如果你既往的那种床上的雄风一去不复返了,也许与你起床早而睡得太晚有关。If your sexual get-up-and-go is gone, maybe you're getting up too early or getting to bed too late.

外界普遍认为,乔恩•柯赛当年之所以愿意出任明富环球的掌门人,是为了在华尔街重振雄风。Corzine was widely viewed as attempting to revive his Wall Street career by taking the helm at MF Global.

行文表达创建湘乡派的“心声”,企图重振桐城文雄风。It expressed the voice of establishing Xiang Xiang Group so as to restore the prestige of Tong Cheng Group.