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我们的正下脚非常甘旨。Our steamed shrimp dumplings are very tasty.

当你感到自己又有些行动失控了,深呼吸,慢下脚步。Breathe when you feel yourself moving too fast. Slow down.

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大家有没看到一个蓝色四方格在左下脚!请大家帮忙点击了这些广告。谢谢!Please help me to click the blue box at left hand side. Thanks!

不许用两手撑地头下脚上的走路方式过马路。You aren't allowed to cross a street while walking on your hands.

下脚时小心,弄不好你会踩到碎玻璃上。Mind where you put your feet, you could tread on some broken glass.

我望着窗外的蒙蒙细雨,不知道这样的天气,地里能不能下脚。I looked out the drizzle did not know such weather, the ground can offal.

二人对着众人跺下脚上的尘土,就往以哥念去了。But they shook off the dust of their feet against them, and came unto Iconium.

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博雷利的年轻球员在强大的桑德兰面前无从下脚。Rodolfo Borrell's young side found the going tough against a strong Sunderland side.

杏仁体位于侧脑室下脚前端的上方…Amygdaloid body is superior to the anterior end of inferior horn of lateral ventricle.

粉碎的种皮有时单独进行烘干,作麸皮饲料或下脚饲料出卖。The hull fraction is sometimes toasted separately and sold as mill feed or as mill run.

他不仅仅是一名下脚凶狠的球员,他的脚法也很出色,这跟人们所说的不同。He's not merely an ankle-biting hard-man, he also has good feet, in spite of what people say.

踏下脚踏开关,接通电源,钻针旋转工作。Tread down switch pedal, connect power supply, then holing needle starts to rotate and operate.

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本文叙述了毛条在在染色中的匹尾毛和在精梳中下脚毛的开发利用。The article describes developping and using of tail-end wool in dyeing and wasty wool in combing.

即使在陡峭地形中,也要顶住大脚刹车的诱惑,应当尽可能慢地踩下脚刹。In steep terrain, ignore the temptation to stomp on your brakes, and take it as slowly as possible.

最后鸭掌烧好了,鸭子却还活着,切下脚装盘上桌,鸭子做其它用。Ya Zhang finally burn it, ducks still alive, cut Zhuangpan offal on the table, with the other ducks do.

看到她们进了亭子休息,他歇下脚,坐在离她们不远处坐下。远远的关注她们。See them into the pavilion to rest, he stop, sit not far away from them to sit down. Much attention to their.

头朝下脚朝天地摔倒在开满水仙花的草原上,就像一捆捆棕色纸袋被扔进邮局的输物管道一样!Tumbling head over heels in the asphodel meadows like brown paper parcels pitched down a shoot in the post office!

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当你踩下脚制动时,摩擦片就会紧紧地压在车轮制动鼓上,使车轮停止转动。When you press on the foot brake, friction bands push hard against the wheel drums and stop the wheels from turning.

我很希望能活动开自己的身体,但后卫贴的太近,所以我就伸了下脚,球就进了。I was looking to open up my body and put it into the corner but the defender was too close so I just toe-poked it in.

在被检查脚卫生之后,两个赤脚对手交叉脚趾开始用劲直到将对方挤下脚趾台。After being checked for foot hygiene, two bare-footed competitors cross toes before trying to force each other off the "toedium".