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未经允许,请勿转载!No reprinting without my permission!

她来日诰日不去丛台公园。转载。She wonat go to Congtai Park tomorrow.

未经许可﹐不得转载!No Reposting elsewhere without permission!

他们将用手推车转载贡品。They would use trolleys to carry the tributes.

文摘率、转载率、索引率不高。Low rate of abstracting, reprinting and indexing.

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如果你相信是真爱造就了婚姻,请转载此文。Re-post this if you believe love makes a marriage.

所有的图均可自由转载,但是请附上我博客的地址,谢谢。But please attach the address of my blog, Thank you.

转载一款射击类游戏的源码,VB写的。Reproduced in a shooting game source code, VB writing.

欢迎转载,请注明出处!在此谢过诸君!Thank you for calling me back. I really appreciate it!

这里再转载一篇张涛之先生的文章。Redistribute the article of Zhang Tao 's Sir again here.

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经济日报版权所有,不得转载。Copyright 2010. Economic Daily News. All Rights Reserved.

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本帖所有内容、图片、文字版权所有.不得抄袭、转载。Queenie? Ng owns the copyright of all content in? this site.

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转载我们的小房间依然在上升上升。The small room that redistributes us still keeps being rising.

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