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这是谁的光盘随声听?Whose CD Walkman is it?

视频高密光盘?。VCD? Video Compact Disk?

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首先,启动与光盘。First, boot with the disc.

我把光盘发到狭槽中。I put a CD-ROM in the slot.

谁拿走了那盘光盘。Who has taken away that CD?

只读光盘具有许多特点。It has quite a few features.

现在,即使是在股票启动光盘!Now boots even on stock ROMs!

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丹尼尔的光盘比基蒂少。Daniel has fewer CDs than Kitty.

它是我买的图书的光盘上的。It is the books I buy on a CD-ROM.

也可以从光盘安装编辑器。They can also be installed from CD.

我的手机要是能够刻录光盘多好啊!If only my cell phone can burn a CD!

片梭织机必须与光盘兼容。Must be compatible with ROM Gripper.

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随书光盘提供补充数据。The CD-ROM provides additional data.

我有许多音乐光盘,因为我喜欢音乐。I have many CDs because I love music.

他正把一张光盘放入光盘播放器中。He was slotting a CD into a CD player.

幼儿欣赏歌曲光盘,跟唱歌曲。Lisson to the music and sing the song.

本光盘的著作权归作者所有。Of the copyright of the CD-ROM of all.

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和文件有一个活页夹和一个光盘。And Files have one binder and one disc.

你也可以用你的游戏光盘去交换。You can trade back your old games, too.

公司免费赠送技术教学光盘。The company free technology teaching CD.