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盛唐的意蕴,经典与时尚交辉,华丽主诠释华夏婚礼新文化。The implications of Tang Dynasty, classic and fashion Jiao Hui.

没人知道“西方”这个新文化会变成怎样。Nobody knows how "Western" this new culture will turn out to be.

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民族救亡是新文化运动的目的。The new cultural movement was to aimed at the national salvation.

这个我记得,是从五四新文化运动开始的。I remember that it began from the May fourth new culture movement.

所以新文化地理学重视空间,认为文化是通过空间组成的。So that New Cultural Geography implies culture is composed by places.

这部著作不愧为中国新文化运动的丰碑。This book is a monumental work worthy of China's new cultural movement.

“五四新文化运动”是中国文化自觉的里程碑。“"New Culture Movement" is a milestone in China's cultural consciousness.

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在这个意义上讲,商务印书馆是当之无愧的新文化运动传播中心。So CP was worthy of being called the Spread Center in New Culture Moveme.

而这种价值观念的变革直接导致了新文化运动的兴起。And the change of value directly leaded the rise of "new culture movement".

民族的形式,新民主主义的内容——这就是我们今天的新文化。National in form and new-democratic in content--such is our new culture today.

对于奥巴马来说,凯勒曼提供了一个好机会来体验新城市新文化。For Obama, Kellman offered a chance to experience a new city and a new culture.

我经常出差,喜欢参观没去过的国家中,学习新文化。I travel with my job and enjoy visiting new countries and learning new cultures.

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学新文化,创新思想,立新观念,铸就新佳进!Learn new culture, create new thought, establish new idea and reach new success.

当我们开始掌握一些对新文化的了解时,就进入了第三阶段。The third stage is characterized by gaining some understanding of the new culture.

“新文化”时期文学的最突出之处是它充满危机感的语调。The literature of the New Culture period is notable for its tone of constantcrisis.

沈尹默先生是中国新文化运动的开拓者之一,他既是诗人,也是书法家。Mr. Shen Yinmo, a pioneer in the May 4th Movement, is both a poet and a calligrapher.

日本新文化原型制作的紧身胸衣对胸点和腰线的提升作用更明显。On the other hand, the Japanese corsets apparently raised bust points and waistlines.

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江南文化发源于先秦时期吴越文化,又是晋唐时期新的历史条件下形成的新文化。Jiangnan culture origin Wu and Yue culture, and was a new culture in Jin and Tang dynasty.

我们周遭的事物不停地在改变――新科技、新发明、新文化。Things around us are changing all the time ----new technology, new inventions, new cultures.

欧阳脩在宋代士大夫新文化的型塑过程中极具影响力。Ou-yang Xiu was a man of great importance in shaping the literati culture of the Song Dynasty.