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这所房子盖得很粗陋。This is a crudely built house.

自己地孩子们叫它在一个设备粗陋城镇。My children call it at a one-horse town.

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到我们聚会的那个粗陋的厅堂里去。Come to the humble hall in which we meet.

他必须要是坚实有力的,但也不能粗陋。It must be strong, solid, but not coarse.

年轻的绝代美人伊俄涅坐在粗陋的火炉旁。The young, the all-beautiful Ione, is seated by that rude fire.

我并不只是在谈论网格系统和粗陋的屏幕设计。I’m not just talking about grid systems and earthy screen designs.

Bug报告和特性要求将伴以粗陋的评论而被关闭掉。Bug reports and feature requests will get closed with rude remarks.

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他似乎不知道自己的粗陋不雅会叫别人难堪。He seemed unaware that his coarseness might cause others to suffer.

可惜它的语言全是粗陋和侮辱性的言辞。Its speech, however, consists entirely of rude phrases and insults.

他们在一家非常粗陋的农场的农舍中呆了一天一夜。They stayed one day and one night in the farmhouse of a very humble farm.

具有优美结构以及经过重构的代码,在菜鸟的眼里,是笨拙而粗陋的。Well-structured and refactored code can look awkward to an untrained eye.

这种粗陋的决策,与罗马人喜欢痴心妄想的本性是完全吻合的。Such crude resolves are consistent with the infatuation of the men of rome.

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这种文献倡导普遍的禁欲主义和粗陋的平均主义。It inculcated universal asceticism and social levelling in its crudest form.

而我们粗陋的认知“工具包”里总是在需要用的时候缺个‘螺丝起子’。”Our poor cognitive toolkits are always missing a screwdriver when we need it.

对于数百万美国人而言,摩托车象征着自由,这是一种粗陋的个人主义精神。For millions of Americans motorcycles represent freedom, rugged individualism.

最粗陋的千禧年主义者预言会有极大的物质丰富。The crudest form of millennialism forecasts great material prosperity on earth.

村里许多粗陋的老砖房已被白瓷砖贴面的两层小楼取代。Two-storey white tile-faced homes have replaced many of the old, crude brick buildings.

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他的礼物是用杂货袋上弄下来的厚厚的棕色纸粗陋地包着的。His present was clumsily wrapped in the heavy, brown paper that he got from a grocery bag.

这种字体显得有些粗陋,每个字母都有很锐利的扭曲,显得怪怪的,很难看。society. It's clumsy, and has weird ugly sharp twisty bits coming off each of the letters.

我妻子美丽的相貌变得粗陋不堪,她的缺陷发展到最坏的地步。My wife's beauty turned to coarseness , and her weaknesses developed to their worst extent.