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委实使我吃惊!That really astonishes me!

这花园委实漂亮。The garden is indeed beautiful.

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但是,最初在北京的几月委实让人感到手足无措。But his first few months in Beijing were a shock.

假如要我自己说嘛,我委实是个美人胚子。I do have such a gorgeous face even if I do say so myself.

我们跟你这样子谈判,委实是抬举你!Our heel you like this negotiate, really is encourage you!

人类在“躲”方面委实训练有素——从有人类的时候我们就开始“躲”了。The human race is well trained in hiding—we've been doing it since the beginning of time.

这对那些希望摆脱油价大幅上涨压力的国家来说,委实是坏消息。And that's bad news for those who hope to head off substantial upward pressure on oil prices.

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我常想在纷扰中寻出一点闲静来,然而委实不容易。I often hanker after a little peace and respite from confusion, but it is really hard to come by.

这问题倘不先行解决,则在将来文学史上的位置,委实是岌岌乎殆哉”。Until this problem is solved a writer's position in the annals of literature is "in fearful jeopardy."

牛人比尔-盖茨在第三还是第四学期抛弃了哈佛,这对于很多中国人来说委实难以想像。It is quite unimaginable to many Chinese that Bill Gates abandoned Harvard in the third or fourth term.

再者细细推算,太后此举委实有失明智。Is furthermore small and soft to calculate, queen mother this undertaking really has already lost advisability.

只不过呢,你那妹子委实也太不象话了些这到底是她家还是我家?Only, you that younger sister's son really also too not elephant words some is this accurate her house alternatively my house?

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东坡、北坡的花木委实名贵了点儿,不忍扰了她们的清静,就选择不甚名贵的西坡,不至于唐突了佳人。Dongpo, on the rare flowers and trees is little, not disturbing their quiet, then choose not very expensive west slope, not abrupt.

这种高超的的辩证法则的推展,委实是令人肃然起敬,它本来是应该成功的,容我们这样说。It is sublime that this quite remarkable dialectical deduction was undertaken, and that it should have succeeded, if one can say this.

六年义务教育,在三十多年前也许是足够的,但对目前的新加坡,我们须面对知识型及高科技社会的各种挑战,六年委实是不足够的。A six-year education may be sufficient 30 years ago, but not so now in a knowledge-based and technologically-advanced society like Singapore.

生物方面的类似性是所谓的进化保持基因,其应用于大量功能中,但委实难以改变。Biologically analagous are so-called evolutionarily conserved genes, which are used in a great many functions, but these have hardly changed at all.

相比之下,那种“交流即是随机向500位‘好友'播报昨晚都干了些什么”的想法,委实令人费解。By contrast, the idea that communication becomes a random broadcast to 500 “friends” about what you were up to last night is perfectly incomprehensible.