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民风是各类地方志都会涉及到的普遍话题。Folkway is a general topic in all kinds of local chronicles.

山志是地方志中专志的一种,编纂历史源远流长。Orography is a kind of local gazetteer, it has a long history.

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提出了中国地方志主题网关。并提出具体的设计方案。In the end, the author designed a subject gateway of Chinese Chorography.

中国的地方志文献的品种繁多,起源很早,按时间顺序可分为旧方志、新方志。China has a vast variety of local chronicles, some of which are dated far back in time.

我是鹿脚路的考古学家特林汉姆牧师,我正在编写新的地方志。I am Parson Tringham, the antiquary, of Stagfoot Lane, and I amcompiling the new local history.

贵州乡土志出现于清末,受地方志的影响。Apperence in late Qing dynasty like others, the Xiangtuzhi of Guizhou is effected by Guizhou chorography.

日本是海外收藏中国地方志最多的国家。Japan is one of the most primary overseas Countries that collects and keeps the Chinese local chronicles.

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论文从原书及各地方志入手,对其里籍作了考辨。This paper does a textual research about his native place basing on the original book and other chorographies.

第三条本规定所称的地方志,包括地方志书、地方综合年鉴。Article 3. The chorography in these Provisions shall include the local chronicle and the local comprehensive almanac.

清代地方志中保存了两份“唐蕃会盟碑”文本,是时人据碑刻西面右半部分盟约的汉文而录。In the local chorography of the Qing Dynasty, two text copies of Meeting Tablet of Tang and Tibet have been conserved.

举个例子,就连我曾居住过的加纳利群岛,在中世纪晚期都有10到12部地方志。For example only for the Canary islands where i live, there are 10-12 regional chronicles dated in the Late Middle Ages.

本文主要论述唐宋坊市制崩溃以后,明代地方城市中“坊”之情形。明代地方志所记之“坊”,有牌坊、街坊、乡坊和坊图四种不同涵义。This article discussed the Fang of local cities in the Ming dynasty after the urban Li-Fang system in Tang and Song dynasty had broken.

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第三条本条例所称地方志,包括地方志书、地方综合年鉴。Article 3 The term "local chronicles" as mentioned in the present Regulation refers to local chronicles and local comprehensive yearbooks.

地方志书所承载的地方历史与文化,是传统典籍文化的重要组成部分。Local history and culture, been borne in the local annals, are considered as very important elements of the traditional historical records.

介绍了广西历代地方志的修纂概况,分析了广西历代方志的价值,并讨论了广西历代方志的整理与保护问题。The overview of different ages of Guangxi chorography in history was briefly introduced and their literature value was analyzed in this paper.

作者在本部分考证了豫北地方志中收录的北魏造像碑,并对豫北佛教造像碑的地域性特征以及其样式与风格进行了归纳总结。The author examined the Bei Wei joss statues recorded in the local chronicles of North Henan, and summed up the regional characters and styles.

古籍文献普遍存在着引书现象,因而构建一套针对地方志引书的挖掘识别系统,对古籍的研究以及目录学史、藏书史、科技史,都具有重要意义。There are many citations in Chinese ancient books, so it has significant value to construct a digging system about the cited books for ancient books.

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本文略述谱牒学的源流,并着重就它在修撰地方志方面的作用、利弊作了具体的分析。This paper presents the source and development of genealogy and, in particular, analyzes its functions, strengths and drawbacks in compiling local annals.

地方志及家族史爱好者们也对削减方案不满,尤其对基尤专家指导时间缩短这件事。some local and family history buffs are unhappy with the cuts too, particularly the reduced hours during which expert assistance will be available at Kew.

宋代利用档案修撰地方志以及对金石档案的研究有很大发展。It was also progressed in compiling the chorography as well as studying the inscription on stone tablet and bronze by using file documents in Song Dynasty.