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简而言之,这项技术来自于一个失误。Simply put, it came from a cock-up.

简而言之,他是“阴”,纳尼是“阳”。In short, he's the yin to Nani's yang.

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简而言之他是另外的葛吉夫。He was, in short, another Gurdjieff. Dr.

简而言之,陈羽凡就是翻版的伊能静。In short, Chen Yufan is the new Annie Yi.

简而言之,我们需要彻底改造马桶。In short, we need to reinvent the toilet.

简而言之,能源部又回到了起跑线。In short, the DOE is starting from scratch.

简而言之,就是聚合力。This in a nutshell is the clustering force.

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简而言之,他极力反对我在那里工作。In short, he advised against me working there.

简而言之,你究竟想要过怎样的生活?In short, what do you wanna do with your life?

简而言之,就是补加碳和钙。In simple terms, carbon and calcium are added.

张维迎认为,简而言之,就是中国需要改革。In short, Prof. Zhang argued, China needs reform.

简而言之,这意味着不再让纳税人救市。Simply put, this means no more taxpayer bailouts.

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简而言之,这问题就是找一个临时保姆。In one word, the problem is finding a baby-sitter.

简而言之,他的幸运护身符看来起作用了。In short, his good-luck charms seem to be working.

简而言之,输入角。theta And, I'm going to abbreviate, just put theta.

简而言之,推动卫生事业发展的援助工作正在发挥作用。In a nutshell, development aid for health is working.

简而言之,像莫达非尼这样的药物让复习变得有趣。In short, drugs like modafinil make revision seem fun.

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简而言之,香港本地人很狡猾。In short local Hong Kong people are sneaky VERY sneaky.

简而言之,这就是好,约马斯达尔坏。In a nutshell, that is what's good and bad about Masdar.

简而言之,高朋网依旧是在线折扣网站的龙头老大。In short, Groupon is still the king of online discounts.