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这是一只白色的猪崽。It was a white one.

可怜的小猪崽,安息。Poor little piglet RIP.

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吃掉自己的猪崽子的老母猪!The old sow that eats her farrow!

母猪在春天产猪崽。The sow breeds piglets in the spring.

爱尔兰是一只吃自己猪崽的老母猪。Ireland is the old sow that eats her farrow.

一卡车的小猪崽从车上跳出来。A cart of piggies, which jumped our from the vehicle.

猪崽的了链球菌该用什么药物治疗?Of pig cub streptococcic with what should medication?

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“这样说吧,”她的妈妈回答道,“这些刚出生的猪崽中有一只发育不良。"Well, " said her mother, "one of the pigs is a runt.

离开了评猪区,我们见识到了一头母猪喂养十三只猪崽的场面。Leaving the pig judging area, we admired a sow nursing thirteen piglets.

两周前,抗议者在议会大楼外放了一头猪和它的猪崽来突出该问题。Two weeks ago, protesters released a pig and its piglets outside parliament to highlight the issue.

动物园的管理员和兽医们给小猪崽们穿上“虎皮衣”,并把它们放在虎妈妈的周围。虎妈妈会接受这群小宝宝吗?The zoo keepers and vets wrapped the piglets in tiger skin and placed the babies around the mother tiger.

“芬,”阿瑞博先生说道,“我比你更懂饲养一窝猪崽。一头虚弱的猪崽会制造很多麻烦。走开,快!”"Fern, " said Mr. Arable, "I know more about raising a litter of pigs than you do. A weakling makes trouble. Now run along! "

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德国的一只大型农场狗最近承担起猪妈妈的职责,收养了一只被母亲遗弃的迷你小猪崽。A giant farm dog and a tiny piglet in Germany cuddle up as if they were family after the baby pig was abandoned by its own mother.

“这样说吧,”她的爸爸说到,“由于他是一窝中最小的猪崽,那你就告诉你的霍莫叔叔说你有一头猪,你想卖六美元,然后看他怎么说吧。”"Well, " said her father, "he's a runt. Tell your Uncle Homer you've got a pig you'll sell for six dollars, and see what he says. "

我店里的许多商品都是从动物身上取得灵感的。这些衣服像戏服一样,能把你的宠物狗狗变成一只野狐狸或是小猪崽。Many of my items are inspired by animals, acting as costumes that can transform your pet from a dog into a wild fox or a little piglet.

猪产崽于畜棚里,猪一般一年产崽两次,每次大概有猪崽八到十二个。The animals are born or farrow in a farrowing barn. Pigs usually give birth two times a year. Each time they have about eight to twelve piglets.

这规定加强了当时和美国贩卖黑奴同步增长的贩卖中国“猪崽”的活动。This unwritten rule resulted in the sharp increase in the trafficking of Chinese laborers during a time when slave-trafficking was also in full swing in the United States.

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小猪崽哺乳期为三到四个周,或者说直到它们体重达到四点五公斤至七公斤,猪崽断奶以后就可出栏。The piglets drink milk from the mother sow for three to four weeks, or until they weigh between four and a half and seven kilograms. After they are weaned from their mothers, they are sold.