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又像一枚水雷!It's a torpedo!

他们的船被水雷炸毁了。Their ship was mined.

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昨天两条船被水雷炸毁。Two ships were mined yesterday.

水雷把敌舰炸成碎片。A mine blew the enemy warship to bits.

如果地雷没用,那麽水雷如何?事实上是有两枚。If land mines do not work, how about torpedos ? Two, in fact!

不顶我的那些潜艇,我已经准备好水雷了!Not crest my those submarines, I have already readied to torpedo!

它能携带水雷、导弹、深水炸弹及其它武器。It can carry torpedoes, missiles, depth charges and other weapons.

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区以及江河湖泊布设水雷障碍的军舰。Area as well as rivers and streams lake mine attack barrier warship.

联网水雷阵由联网水雷和无线浮标节点组成。Mine network consists of the netty mines and the wireless buoy nodes.

所以你可以摧毁数量多于你水雷偏导器的水雷。So it is possible to destroy more mines than you have mine deflectors.

首先利用布设水雷封锁英吉利海峡。The first was the blockading of the English Channel with mine barrages.

建好后,它对于潜艇和水雷也没有足够的防卫。Once there, it has very little defenses against submarines and torpedoes.

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这条通道通向水雷和鱼雷零件库以及燃料储存库。The corridor leading to the mine and torpedo part and to the fuel storage.

对目标进行选择攻击和抗扫是水雷引信智能化的重要体现之一。One embodiment of mine fuze intelligence is attack judgment and anti-minesweeping.

亨利·福特在两个月前让那些水雷去见了鬼,从那以后就一直在前进。Henry Ford damned the torpedoes two months ago and has been going ahead ever since.

这型潜艇没有鱼雷发射管,有6条水雷敷设管。These ships carried no torpedo tubes, but rather 6 chutes for dropping their mines.

她是一个皮克土著同时也是一个来自迪灵汉的反对水雷的教师。” says Ina Bouker, a Yupik native and teacher from Dillingham who opposes the mine.

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散逸的水雷开始在太平洋海岸出现而危及商船的航行。Stray mines began to turn up off the Pacific coast, imperilling commercial shipping.

远程电动水雷顺着目标船的螺旋浆的声音进行追踪。The long-range electric torpedo homes in on the noise of the target ship 's propellers.

综合体的这部分是用于鱼雷和水雷的创造及应用的poligon。This part of complex was the poligon for creation and application of torpedoes and mines.