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“路遇”,随时随地,邂逅心动!Meet new friends, anytime anywhere.

心动描记器上标明心跳次数。A cardiograph records the heartbeat.

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那是一双让我心动的眼睛。It was a pair I echocardiography eyes.

柒牌男装,让女人心动的男人。Qi card, so that women echocardiography men.

还是让那个让你心动的对象主动来约你吧。Let the person you are interested in come to you.

超声心动图可容易诊断粘液瘤。Myxomas are easily diagnosed by echocardiography.

这些理由都足够让人心动不已。These reasons are enough to make a person enchanted.

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也是超声波心动图检查的一个部分。Doppler ultrasound is part of the echocardiogram test.

不知不觉你让我心动,后知后觉你让我心痛。Imperceptibly you let my heart, after you let me heartache.

谢谢你曾经让我心动,如今只剩下心痛。Thank you once let me echocardiography, now only heartache.

他的新的心动检查必须是在美国的主要的医疗中心做。His new cath will have to be done at a major center in the US.

但梦中奇特的经历让我心动不已。But in the dream the unusual experience lets my heart movement.

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心里如果「打结」了,最好能向内观看自己的起心动念处。When the mind is knotted, best look inward where thoughts arise.

起心动念形成行为、形成宇宙!A person's thoughts form behaviors and are turned into the Universe.

而现在,我发现简单的黑白灰就足以使我心动。And now I found a simple black and white ash is enough to make me move.

心电图及超声心动图是正确诊断的重要方法。The diagnosis was mainly based on electrocardiogram and echocardiogram.

超声心动图发现赘生物6例,脾脓肿1例。Echocardiography found vegetations in 6 cases, spleen abscess in 1 case.

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这美丽的环境让我心动不已,我降低了车速。My senses felt heightened with the surrounding beauty. I slowed the car.

比如当你开始为谁心动时,那谁却觉得对你失望而离开了。When you begin to be tempted by someone, he leaves due to disappointment.

治疗6周后复查两组的动态心电图、超声心动图。After 6-week treatment, Holter and ultrasound cardiography were performed.