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拍品的山水画面之材质原为设色纸本,应更正为设色绢本。The material of the painting side should read ink and colour on silk.

画面墨淡气雅,设色颇有浪漫主义韵味。The portrait, painted in a simple but elegant style, has a romantic flavor.

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温庭筠比较注重辞藻和设色,尤其喜欢用色彩鲜明、饱满的词。Wen pays more attention to rhetoric and likes to use bright and freshly words.

设色匀净清丽,于青绿中间以赭色,富有变化和装饰性。Coloring is plain, even in green among with ochre, rich change and adornment sex.

构图之精巧,线条勾勒之细腻,设色之清疏淡雅,都与院体名家林椿的画风相近。The composition, color and outlines are reminiscent of renowned court painter Lin Chun.

地图设色之困难,在于色彩感受的不确定性。The difficulties of colouring a map rest mainly on the vagueness in the colour perception.

这幅楼阙图,用笔凝练,设色浓重,展示了雄伟浑厚的大唐风度。The strokes are simple, the hues are thick, manifesting the power and grandeur of great Tang.

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探讨杨家埠木版年画的色彩特征与设色规律。The Yangjiabu's board pictures are discussed in the area of the region, subject matter and color.

我只是不能用红、橙、黄这分层设色的方法去表现一些严肃的东西,你说对吗?I just couldn’t use a red-orange-yellow gradient scale to represent something like that, don’t you think so?

画面用笔设色简劲鲜丽、细致华贵,透露出盛世宫廷中自豪与稳健的气象。The strokes are delicate and mild, presenting the steady and unrestrained atmosphere in the flourishing age.

传统的工笔重彩人物画创作多追求勾线准确,设色清雅。The traditional claboratestyle figure drawing more accurate, and continually creation for coloring is elegant.

此外,雍正行乐图工细而写实,设色明丽,反映了当时宫廷绘画的风格特点。Besides, the elaborate and realistic style and the bright colors were characteristic of court painting during the period.

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在用分层设色表示地貌时,DEM数据分布规律是合理地选择色层和色度的重要参考依据。The distribution law of DEM data can provide the reference evidence for selecting color layer and chroma to represent landform.

敦煌的壁画保存了大量唐及唐以前的绘画设色资料。In the Dunhuang mural paintings, there exists a great amount of information about coloring practices during and before Tang dynasty.

弈棋仕女图,绢本设色,纵63厘米,新疆维吾尔自治区博物馆藏。Noble Lady Playing Chess, ink and pigment on silk, 63cm in height, in the collection of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Museum.

特别的,对华岩自出新意的小写意花鸟画进行了细致的分析,其中又着重对华岩花鸟画中的设色特点进行了详尽的研究。We had emphasized on analyzing the new skills in his flower-bird painting, and especially we had studied colors in his paintings in detail.

敦煌壁画在传神写照、线描造型、赋彩设色、构图方式等方面均具有独有的特色。Dunhunag frescoes have the unique characteristics in transmitting the spirit, line drawing and modeling, colouring and means of composition.

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从杨家埠木版年画的地域位置、题材内容、色彩等方面,分析了杨家埠年画的色彩象征性表现及色彩对比与和谐的设色规律。The color design regularity of the Yangjiabu's board pictures symbolic description in colors, color's contrast and consistency is also analyzed.

其线条工细遵劲,设色富丽,其”丰肥体”的人物造型,表现出唐代仕女画的典型风格。Its lines as coloring is richly exquisitely strength, the "fat body" character models, show the typical style of seeing painting in tang dynasty.

设色活泼朗明的系统橱柜,为双人式小孩房开创更缤纷多彩的梦想王国。Fill in colors on a sketch is lively systematic ambry of Lang Ming, initiate for room of two-men type child more the dream with colorful profusion is regnal.