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它可能在家族中代代相传.It can run in families for generations.

称号由长子代代相传。The title descends through eldest sons.

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葡萄的智慧代代相传,有些被过滤,有些被淘汰,随风飘逝。Much has been filtered and tossed to the wind.

这个习俗代代相传。This custom is transmitted from generation to generation.

教会的教徒,有十个来自代代相传,只有一个是折服皈依的。There are ten church members by inheritance for one by conation.

你们要建造的必须是能够代代相传的纪念馆。You must build a memorial that will last through the generations.

贫困是怎样代代相传的问题现在已经越来越清楚了。How poverty passes from generation to generation is now becoming clearer.

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雅美语将这种丰富的烹饪与鱼类文化知识代代相传。The Yami language transmits this rich culinary and cultural knowledge of fish.

但我们却感到了要把这段历史代代相传的责任。But we just feel a real responsibility to preserve this for future generations.

这是一种代代相传的不信任,这同我们正在努力建设的东西无关。It's an inherent mistrust and it's nothing to do with what we are trying to build.

那么,为何人们会将这种迷信以及其它迷信代代相传?So why do we pass this and other superstitions down from generation to generation?

然而,早期音乐却未能代代相传或记录下来。However, early music was not handed down from generation to generation or recorded.

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深奥的传统在精神团体、公社或兄弟会中代代相传。Esoteric tradition became handed down in spiritual groups, communes, or fraternities.

清苑县戎官营的绣球龙灯,就是这样代代相传下来。County, Rong Guan camp hydrangea dragon is the way down from generation to generation.

这个已经有200年历史的物件,被钢特家族代代相传,直到如今被拿出来拍卖。The 200-year-old object was passed down through his family until it was put up for sale.

他们渴望通过照片创造可以代代相传的传家之宝。They desire to create heirlooms through the photographs for generations of storytelling.

女孩的教育是一项可以确保社会财富源源不断、代代相传的投资。Educating girls is an investment that continues to produce benefits down the generations.

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他正当年壮,久经沙场,但是却带有他的家族那种年深日久、代代相传的傲慢习气。He was mature in years and tried in wars, but had the old, inbred arrogance of his family.

这是父子代代相传的一门手艺,而钱被中间商和店主们赚了去。It was a trade handed down from father to son, and middlemen and shopkeepers made the money.

由于毛利人没有书写文字,口头语言是信息传递的惟一方式,他们的文化与历史只能靠口头代代相传。For lack of written language, the Maoris passed on their tradition and history by word of mouth.