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它不偏袒任何一方。It speaks without bias.

他们偏袒这项计划。They biased towards this plan.

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裁判偏袒主队。The referee is partial to the host team.

我并没有在这场争论中偏袒任何一方。I am not taking sides in this controversy.

他区别对待偏袒自己的亲戚。He discriminates in favor of his relatives.

她偏袒她女儿。She discriminated in favour of her daughter.

那老师偏袒女学生。That teacher discriminates in favour of girls.

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认清你自己的偏袒处来中立化你的言论。Recognize your own biases and keep them in check.

“我不会偏袒我的孩子,”李刚说到。"I will not shield my child, " the elder Li said.

公正而不偏袒让最优秀的人赢得胜利。Fair play and no favours-and may the best man win.

露易斯因为偏袒里查德而遭责骂。Louise got a bum rap for taking sides with Richard.

法官不应当徇情偏袒。Judges ought not to consider anything on the person.

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所以,这个搜索结果似乎并不偏袒微软吧。That doesn't seem like a pro-Microsoft search result.

我认为你对继承人的选择有偏袒之嫌。I think your choice of a successor savors of favoritism.

她的好名声因其偏袒行为而被损害了。Her good name was disfigured by instances of favouritism.

公约领导层发表一份声明表示否认有任何偏袒。The leadership issued a statement denying any favoritism.

虽然汤普森是尼采的孙子,可他并不偏袒汤普森。Mr Thompson is Nitze’s grandson. But he does not play favourites.

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法律绝不歧视穷人而偏袒富人。The law does not discriminate against the poor in favour of the rich.

每一个办公室都有偏袒,低效,错误决定的现象。Every office has its share of favoritism, inefficiency and dumb decisions.

他们也真的会将外野的篱笆移近移远,以便偏袒自己喜欢的球员。They also actually moved the outfield fences in and out to favor their own guys.