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去火点在手上。To the point in the hand.

去火车上喝杯啤酒吧。Go drink a beer on the train.

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牙疼的去火点在哪里?Toothache to the point where?

去火点在无名指。To the point in the ring finger.

我赢得了为期一周的去火奴鲁鲁的免费旅行。I just won a free week's tour to Honolulu!

哦,我在12月14号要去火奴鲁鲁参加马拉松。Oh, and I’m doing a marathon in Honolulu on Dec. 14!

风儿一心要用暴风来摄去火焰,不料却将它吹熄。The wind tries to take the flame by storm only to blow it out.

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加入越橘和坚果烤杏仁,去火,加咖喱粉搅拌。Add cranberries and nuts, and remove from heat. Stir in curry powder.

翘具有清热去火、消肿散结的功效。The weeping forsythia has the effect of clearing away heat, and reducing swelling.

我们的苏菲导师教导过我们要自我审判,送我们自身去火狱或天堂。Our Sufi Masters have taught that we judge ourselves and send ourselves to hell or paradises.

它们可以帮助你去火提神,”路说道。They stop fevers and can help you concentrate if you're feeling sluggish or sleepy, " said Lu.

可是,许多人还是喜欢吃莲芯,喝莲芯泡的茶,因为它有去火、清亮明目的作用。However, many people still like to eat lotus core, foam core drinking lotus tea, because it has , Mingmu clear role.

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柯克说,他将在奥巴马总统和其他领导人抵达前,去火奴鲁鲁会见亚太经合组织各成员的贸易部长。Kirk said he will head to Honolulu to meet with APEC trade ministers before President Obama and other leaders arrive.

多用一些控油的洗面奶,多喝一些去火的绿茶,会失掉一些掌握,我有阅历。More with some oil control cleanser, drink some green tea a goal, it will lose some of control, I have the experience.

我们用高钙低脂奶和咖啡,再加上我们独有的有机蜂蜜调和而成,清凉去火,有益健康。Iced Flat White is mixed by high-calcium and low-fat milk, coffee and our special organic honey. It is cool and better for health.

‘尿煮童子蛋’味美健康。它们可以帮助你去火提神,”路说道。"The eggs are delicious and healthy. They stop fevers and can help you concentrate if you're feeling sluggish or sleepy," said Lu.

史密斯夫妇过去经常去火奴鲁鲁在暑假的时候,他们住在住在山脚下的一个小旅馆里。Mr. and Mrs. Smith had always spent their summer holidays in Honolulu in the past, staying in a small hotel at the foot of a mountain.

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拇指根部肌肉分明凸起部位为手太阴肺经去火点,可天天按摩2~3次,每次3分钟。The base of the thumb muscles and convex parts for lung meridian to the point, but every day massage 2 to 3 times, each time 3 minutes.

如果你在去火星的路上,那里肯定会黑黢黢的,而你将会长时间地与外界隔离,到那时也没什么休闲娱乐活动。So if you’re on a trip to Mars, it’s going to be dark out, you’ll be in a long period of isolation, and there’s not going to be a lot to do.

升级后的竹叶清茶,清热去火、除烦、降脂效果更加显著,长期饮用有助于延年益寿。After the upgrade of the leaves of green tea, heat hotness, except vexed, lipid-lowering effect more significantly, drinking helps prolong life.