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只有吃了药才能大便。Only when I take medicine.

生活就像是一砣屎,大便,大便!!!Life is just like damn shit!

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左图是一坨狐狸的大便。Pictured left is a fox turd.

这种大便器使用了P-型存水弯。This used a 'P'-shaped trap.

把一坨大便泡在福尔马林里。Dip a pile of shit in Formalin.

满脑大便的印度猪们。Full brain defecate India pigs.

他使用氯化亚汞通大便。He purged himself with calomel.

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人们在大便、在小便。Peopledefecating and urinating.

请先去查一下大便。Please go and take a stool test.

它在我鞋里大便。-哪个?。He pooped in my shoe. -Which one?

大便是言说的大他者。Lacan Shit is the languaged Other.

呕吐物含血或大便带血。E. Bleed mixed with vomit or stool.

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您的大便的颜色变浅过吗?Have your stools been light in color?

它在我的鞋里大便?哪一只?。Wait. He pooped in my shoe?Which one?

我今天很辛苦地大了一堆大便。I pooed hard, and I pooed a lot today.

你的大便什么时候好闻过?。Oh, what, your shit smells like roses?

我们想给她检查一下大便。We would like have her stool examined.

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一只狗熊在树林里大便,过来一只兔子。A black bear was defecating in the forest.

你的大便里有血或粘液吗?Be there any blood or mucus in your stool?

再钓鱼般用鱼杆钓上去大便和小便。Then, later, fishing up her shit and piss.