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那老太太在佛像面前顶礼膜拜。The old lady fell down in adoration before Buddhist images.

王尔德甚至成了同性恋者顶礼膜拜的“祖师爷”。Wilde went on to become homosexual worship the "ancestral."

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摩诃葛剌是藏传佛教密宗护法神之一,是萨迦派顶礼膜拜的对象。Mahakala is one of the guardian gods of Tibetan Buddhist tantra.

他们拒不向政治经济学定律顶礼膜拜。They refrained from genuflecting to the laws of political economy.

王尔德甚至成了同性恋者顶礼膜拜的“祖爷”。Wilde went on to become homosexual worship the "God of ancestors."

如果一个法院没有权力去听一个案例中,它将不会发布顶礼膜拜。If a court does not have the power to hear a case, it will not issue dicta.

没有一头野兽会向别人顶礼膜拜,也不对几千年前的同类屈膝。Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago.

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道林·格雷倾心于这个白皙的姑娘,并且向她顶礼膜拜。Dorian Gray's soul had turned to this white girl and bowed in worship before her.

一些监工甚至要求工人们对印有他们名字的徽章顶礼膜拜。Some supervisors even require the workers to deify their supervisor's name badges.

多么了不起的小家伙!诞生时便使地球升至天堂,让天堂对地球顶礼膜拜。Great little One! Whose all-embracing birth lifts Earth to Heaven, stoops Heaven to Earth.

“印度人去电影院是去睁大眼睛顶礼膜拜的,”Dhondy说道,“他们并不想要真相。”"Indians go to the cinema to goggle and worship," says Dhondy. "They don't want the truth."

对福楼拜、卡夫卡“无诗性”的憎恨,恰恰源自对“诗性”这层“帷幕”的顶礼膜拜。For flaubert, kafka "no poetic" hatred, exactly is rooted in "poetic" this layer "curtain" worship.

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教皇强烈谴责了他认为是源自这些趋势的对于民主的顶礼膜拜。The Pope strongly condemns the idolization of democracy that he sees flowing from these tendencies.

百姓们知道这个消息,都去向翡翠佛顶礼膜拜。When all people knew the information, they came to the temple, kneeled and worshiped the jade figure.

当达到人类成就的神圣顶峰时,作为英雄或圣人受到顶礼膜拜时,我们仍独自而立。On the divine heights of human attainment, eulogized and worshipped as a hero or saint, we stand alone.

后来,被尊为三皇之一的燧人氏就长眠在被称为燧明国的商丘,受到后世的顶礼膜拜。Subsequently, Suirenshi, one of the 3 Emperors, buried in Shangqiu and worshipped by the later generations.

麦道夫低调的作风吸引了特定阶层的投资者,这阶层人对庞氏骗局那粗燥、以大吹大擂的方式推销商品的伎俩顶礼膜拜。His low-profile approach appealed to a class of investors who would have cringed at Ponzi’s crass hucksterism.

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但即使我知道普遍的存在,即使我可能甚至对它顶礼膜拜,我也很清楚,我之所求并非普遍,而是真实。But if I know that, if I can even admire it, I also know that I am not seeking what is universal, but what is true.

此外,美国人确实会走极端,要么咄咄逼人地大肆渲染其文学,要么进行着同样不幸的亦步亦趋式的顶礼膜拜。And Americans do swing from aggressive overphrase of their literature to an equally unfortunate, imitative deference.

本月早些时候,一组气态轩昂的中国学者抵达津巴布韦,参加对这模式顶礼膜拜的讨论会。Earlier this month a gaggle of Chinese academics arrived in Zimbabwe for a symposium in which the model was lionised.