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看见过蚂蚱吧?Ever seen a grasshopper ?

一个男孩正在逮蚂蚱。BOY was hunting for locusts.

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不要做蚂蚱,做蚂蚁。Don’t be a grasshopper. Be an ant.

今天一只蚂蚱跳进了车里。Today, a grasshopper jumped into my car.

那你想吃点啥呢,蚂蚱?What would you have forsooth, grasshopper?

我将这种状态、比喻成一条绳子的蚂蚱。I compare this status to a rope of locusts.

咱们俩的事,一条绳上拴着两只蚂蚱---谁也跑不了!We're like two grasshoppers tied to one cord, neither can get away!

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把他们的土产交给蚂蚱,把他们辛苦得来的交给蝗虫。He gave their crops to the grasshopper, their produce to the locust.

其中有蝗虫,蚂蚱,蟋蟀与其类,蚱蜢与其类,这些你们都可以吃。Of these you may eat any kind of locust, katydid, cricket or grasshopper.

蝗虫、蝻子、蚂蚱、剪虫。那些年所吃的我要补还你们。Years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm , and the caterpillar and the.

不久,麦地里传来一种“嚓嚓”声,好像是蚂蚱情说爱的声音。Presently there arose from within a ticking like the love-making of the grasshopper.

蚂蚱却认为松鼠是个傻瓜,而他却嘻笑跳舞,玩耍了一个夏季。The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

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这一下按下去,咱俩可就真成了一根绳子上的蚂蚱,再也甭想分开了!This press, we can really became a rope of worms, never can never expect to separate!

他拿这些蚂蚱的时候,另一些被太阳晒暖和了,蹦跶起来。While he was picking up the hoppers the others warmed in the sun and commenced to hop away.

你注意有多少种不同的蟋蟀、蝈蝈儿以及蚂蚱了吗?Do you realize how many different species of crickets and katydids and grasshoppers there are?

像炸蚂蚱串这种中国街头小吃通常都会让西方游客驻足停留,瞠目结舌。Chinese street foods, like this “bouquet” of skewered grasshoppers, often raise Western eyebrows.

颂扬蚂蚁的忙碌超过了颂扬蚂蚱草间的鸣声,这是多么狭隘的想法啊!How narrow is the vision that exalts the busyness of the ant above the singing of the grasshopper.

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今天我寂寞得不得了,在房间里发现一只掉了腿的蚂蚱,就跟它聊了三个小时。Today, I was so lonely that I had a 3 hour conversation with a one-legged cricket I found in my room.

儿时,在村子里他玩蚂蚱,假装它们是飞机。In the village of his early childhood he had played with grasshoppers, pretending they were airplanes.

他把蚂蚱抛向空中,看着它飞向路对面的一段烧成木炭的树桩上。He tossed the grasshopper up into the air and watched him sail away to a charcoal stump across the road.